Removing Blackheads With Wax
- Removing blackheads can be a tricky process. Doing it the wrong way could lead to a much more noticeable zit, or it could even spread the problem to other areas of the face. However, there is a quick and simple way to help you remove blackheads with nothing more than wax and some waxing strips.
- For this technique, you only want to use wax on blackheads. Using the wax on a whitehead or full blown zit can do some damage to your pores. Doing so can create an increased risk of infection and inflammation around the blemish. This will only make your problem more noticeable. However, blackheads can be easily removed by pulling them directly out of the pore without squeezing. This is why wax works so well.
- A blackhead is medically known as an open comedo, a plug in a pore on your skin. A blackhead forms when sebum and keratin build up at the surface of a pore on the skin. The two substances harden and block the pore up. Once the pore is blocked, it starts to get backed up and swollen. If removed in time, the blackhead will be removed from the pore, and the pore will usually return to its normal state. If left played with or squeezed, the blackhead can rupture and leave noticeable scar tissue on the face.
- To remove a blackhead using wax, all you need is the same microwavable wax used to remove hair. Following the directions carefully. Place the wax in the microwave. Heat it for the specified time. Make sure that you are ready for the wax before you put the wax into the microwave to be heated.
- To prepare your face for the wax, wash your face with a mild soap to remove any dirt or bacteria. You can also steam your face by placing a small amount of water in the bottom of a cooking pot and placing it on the stove. Let the water boil, and then carefully place your face over the steam. Do not place your face too close to the pot, or you will burn yourself. The steam will help open your pores and loosen the blackhead.
- Being careful not to put the wax over any whiteheads or zits, brush a small amount of wax directly on the blackhead. It does not have to cover any other part of your face except the blackheads. Place the waxing strip over the hot wax and press gently down. Let the wax cool. Take a deep breath, and pull the strip. The blackhead should come out with little issue and be left on the strip. Throw the strip away. Gently wash your face with cool water to remove any remaining wax.