Family & Relationships Family

Losing a Child

I lost my child about 6 years ago.
I drove the vehicle in which he lost his life.
We collided with a "Kudu".
Obviously there was nothing that I count do to prevent it from happening.
But I will live the rest of my life with that.
All way that I could manage thus far, is my faith.
I do not think there is any other method to overcome or actually to learn to live with it.
I am divorced.
Actually was divorced before the accident.
And obviously my ex is type of blaming me for our child that is gone.
It feels as if I am not getting closure on this.
When my father died, it was different.
I knew he had to pass away.
But this feels different.
It feel as if I cannot move on with life.
If I see a child that looks like him.
Just remotely, the whole scene is playing it back in my mind.
I have another child, and we are really close.
At this stage he is staying with his father and only coming to me on holidays.
Because I relocated and he is in grade 11 now.
Not a good time to relocate for a child.
I try to concentrate on him as much as possible.
Over holidays when my other child is here.
It seems as if everything is bearable.
When he's gone.
It seems as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
So far I would like to hear from other parents what they think and suggest.

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