Home & Garden Green Living

Considering Toxic Free Methods? Things to Consider

Limiting the amount of electricity we use may just look like a living expense decrease, but did you know that most energy sources are coal burning resources that leaves damaging environmental impacts.
Coal-burning sources produce air pollution that damages the ozone layer as well as causing health hazards to humans and animals.
The more we reduce energy usage, the better green strategy we practice as individuals in reducing air pollution.
Appliances and electronics still use a certain amount of energy, even when turned off and not in use.
Unplugging these items reduces the energy usage on an individual level.
Washing clothes in cold water as much as possible is another way to reduce the energy used to heat the water.
Instead of using a clothes dryer, try putting them out on a clothes line, especially on sunny days.
Every action we take to lessen energy uses can leave more positive impacts on our environment.
Transportation is another air polluting action.
When cars are not maintained they put a greater amount of greenhouse emissions into the air.
We can reduce greenhouse emissions from transportation by doing more walking, riding bikes, keeping vehicles well-maintained, or even carpooling with others.
The more ways we save on transportation costs, the less greenhouse emissions we are responsible for putting in the air.
Landfills not only release deadly methane gas into the air, but can also damage the land as well as damage the global water supply with chemicals that go down to the water ecosystem.
We contribute to the pollution by what we throw away.
Ensuring that things are properly disposed of is a way to lessen the pollution impact we contribute to as individuals.
Chemical products should always be taken to places designated for them instead of being put into landfills.
Another way to reduce the impact we put on environmental sources is to shy away from purchasing products produced with production practices that are not sustainable.
The more we purchase products from unsustainable manufacturing methods, the more we contribute to the pollution caused by these practices.
Searching out products manufactured from sustainable manufacturing methods leaves a less damaging impact on our environment.
Reducing the amount of chemicals we use in pest control, whether in the home or in gardens, and cleaning efforts helps reduce the toxins we put back into the earth's water supply, the food we eat, and the air we breathe.
Using bug repelling plants to reduce insects or plant-based products helps reduce our chemical usage.
The same applies to the cleaning and personal care products we purchase.
Recycling is another way to reduce the environmental impact we leave on the environment.
Products that can be recycled uses less environmental resources and reduces pollution.
Getting into the practice of reusing products as much as possible not only reduces pollution from manufacturing processes, but it also puts less into landfills and reduces land pollution.
Learning to conserve on things, such as energy and water usage, are ways to leave a less environmental impact.
Taking shorter showers, planting drought resistant plants, and only using the water it takes to clean our homes are all ways to reduce water usage and conserve the water ecosystem.
In adopting toxic free methods, consider how products are made, sustainable practices used, and how the products will affect the environment during processes and in disposal.
Can you think of more toxin reduction goals?

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