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Scholarships for Women Pilots

    Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarships for Women Pilots

    • The Ninety-Nines, Inc. is an association of female pilots from around the world. It administers the scholarships that are paid for by the Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Fund, which was founded in 1940 to support women's involvement in aviation. Women who are flight students, have soloed and have passed the written flight exam may apply to the New Pilot Award for funding to complete their practical exams and obtain recreational, sport or private licenses. These awards are up to $1,500. Women who already have a pilot's license can apply for a scholarship to get training for the specific type of advanced license they wish to acquire. Applicants must be Associate Members of the Ninety-Nines.

    Women in Aviation, International

    • Women in Aviation, International offers a variety of scholarships to men and women pilots. Applicants must be members of Women in Aviation, and they may only apply for two scholarships per year. Several of their scholarships are specific to women. The Anne Baddour Scholarship gives $2,000 to a female pilot with at least 150 flight hours, a private pilot license or higher and the intention to become a professional pilot. The Women Military Aviators Dream of Flight Scholarship is a $2,500 award given to female flight students to complete their training. Winners are chosen based on their dedication to the advancement of women in aviation.

    Whirly-Girls Scholarships

    • Women pilots who want to advance their flight education into the realm of helicopter piloting may apply to the Whirly-Girls association for funding. Whirly-Girls is an organization of female helicopter pilots. They offer a number of scholarships for helicopter flight training, including the Helicopter Add-On Fight Training Scholarship that is open to women pilots without a helicopter certificate. The award is $6,000. Some Whirly-Girls scholarships require that the applicant be a member of Whirly-Girls, but the Add-On Scholarship does not. Applicants who qualify for multiple Whirly-Girl scholarships may apply to as many as five with one $45 application fee.

    Girls With Wings Scholarship

    • Girls With Wings awards scholarships to women who serve as role models to girls who dream of becoming involved in aviation. Applicants must write essays of any length on why they believe that they can fulfill this role. Girls With Wings awards at least two $1,000 scholarships every year. Applicants must be female flight students who have soloed but who have not yet received their first pilot licenses. The funds are intended to be used for flying lessons.

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