Business & Finance Loans

Business Cash Advance: An Alternative Funding for Gas Station Business

Positive cash flow is very essential for running a gas station business. Banks and other traditional lending institution usually do not sanction loans for gas stations as they usually have the fear of getting involved in environmental issues. In addition to that, banks also verify business background, credit structure, among other things before sanctioning the loans and it also takes a very long time for loan approval. With business advance cash from Rapid Capital Funding you can overcome such problems. This cash advance program not only gives you a advance cash of $250,000 but also makes sure that it reaches you within 72 hours.

Business Cash Advance Gives Instant Cash without Any Collateral

The cash advance program gives you unsecured money so it does not require any security collateral or business guarantee unlike small business loans. Also, you are not required to come up with a good credit score or business history. Even, you are kept away from loads of paper works or additional costs. The unique aspect about this program is that it takes only a single working day for approval.

The Key Features of Business Cash Advance:

€ Involves no personal guarantee
€ Have no fixed payments schedule
€ No applications required
€ No closing fees required.
€ Have no quick approval
€ Get cash in 72 hours
€ It has 95% approval rate
€ Involves no collateral

Business Cash Advance Is Based on Credit Card Transactions

Unlike traditional small business loans, business cash advance is based on future credit card transactions. For that you not only need to submit a single page application consisting of 3 months bank statements and 4 months credit card statements but also need to make all your business dealings through credit or debit cards.

Use Business Cash Advance as Per Your Choice

The alternative funding institution gives you utmost liberty to use the cash for any number of business purposes. These business purposes can range from business renovation, business expansion, inventory stock building etc. You can use the cash without submitting any document mentioning the same.

A Quick Look At The Points Mentioned Below:

€ You can use the cash for purchasing business equipment, inventory and supplies
€ You can in fact cover any of your business needs
€ You can use the cash for remodeling or expansion
€ You can use the cash for increasing cash flow for salaries and other needs

Payback is Quite Flexible

The alternative funding institution purchases a small percentage of your future credit card sales. This in a way links it to the doings of the business thereby ensuring flexibility which enables small business owners to even pay back when their profit margins are low. This cash advance program is better in the sense that it allows small business owners to continue with their repayment and thus clear their debt on time.

If you are in need for instant cash then merchant cash advance from Rapid Capital Funding can be the best option for you.

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