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Christmas Games for Sunday School

    • Sunday School game ideasHand and Bible image by Lucid_Exposure from

      One of the best ways to make learning fun is by playing games that reinforce the lessons and principles taught during class. Around Christmas, you can incorporate various Christmas games into your Sunday School lessons to assist you in teaching the story. Christmas games should be fun and educational at the same time. After you play a game, review the lesson with the students, and ask the class specific questions to challenge their memory. This will help reinforce the information you've discussed.

    The Shepherd Game

    • The shepherd game teaches the children about the story of Christmas and the miraculous events surrounding the birth of Jesus. Have the class divide into two separate teams. Create a line on the floor using chalk or tape that will show the shepherds the path to take. Create some obstacles along the pathway using tissue boxes and empty milk jugs that have holes cut out of them to allow passage. Provide each team with one stick or a broom and a cotton ball for each child. When you give the sign, the shepherds have to guide their cotton ball or sheep along the path one at a time. After one child successfully guides his sheep to the manger, he passes the stick or broom off to the next shepherd on his team.

    Christmas Trivia

    • Play Christmas trivia at the end of the holiday season to test the Sunday School students' knowledge of the previous lessons. Divide the class into two separate teams. Each team can choose a team name and make up a team cheer. Prepare the chalkboard with five to seven different subject headings at the top of the board related to Christmas. Below each subject heading, have different point ranges the children can choose from, beginning with small points and ending with larger point values. This game is played like Jeopardy where each child chooses the category and point value. If the child answers correctly, the team earns those points. If not, the other team receives an opportunity to guess the answer and steal the points. Set a certain point level that determines the winning team.

    The Christmas Wall

    • The Christmas wall challenges the class' knowledge of the order of events of the Christmas story. Print out different pictures from your computer that clearly depict a certain event of the Christmas story. For example, a picture of the wise men traveling, Herod ordering the death of all male children under two and Jesus' birth. Give every child in the class a different picture, and ask them not to look at it until you say, "go." When you say "go," the children have to work together to tape each picture on the wall in the right order.

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