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2 Alpha Male Tips That Will Make Women Want You Fast!

Guys, I need you to understand that attracting hot women isn't that difficult.
It is all about your mindset.
And it is all about how you view yourself.
Once you grasp this concept, I can assure you picking up women becomes so much easier.
So here are two easy tips that will help you score more women.
The first thing you need to understand is that you need to have ultimate confidence.
This is what alpha males already understand.
Women are more attracted to this than anything else.
If you have ever seen an ugly guy with a really hot girl on his arm, that is why.
This is also the same reason that women are attracted to bad boys.
This is what is often referred to as inner game.
So, you need to get your confidence in place.
The second thing you need to do to attract higher-quality women is to dress better.
This doesn't mean that you need to wear a suit everywhere you go.
But it does mean you need to try to dress better, at least better than your buddies.
The old saying that women love a sharp dressed man is true.
The first thing a woman notices on a man is his haircut, followed by his shoes, then followed by his watch.
So try dressing sharper as it will really help.
These are the exact same things that the alpha male understands.
And you need to be the alpha male if you want to have any chance of getting with the hottest women.
And isn't that what you want for yourself?

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