Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Easy Home Remedies For Acne - Three Home Remedies

Acne is a skin disorder disease which occurs because of the overproduction of sebum which leads to plugged pores. Acne mainly appears on face, neck, shoulders, upper arms and back. Although acne is definitely not a life threatening disease, it upsets people because destroys the outlook of a person and in the end may lead to permanent scarring.

Dealing with acne is not an easy task. There are many treatments available from expensive creams and lasers to cheap natural methods at home. This article tries to inform you about Three Home Remedies which you can follow in order to face acne. I have to make clear at you that the results of such remedies may only be temporary because acne problem is deep rooted inside your body.

The advantage of the below remedies is that they are easy to follow and have immediate results.

These are some easy home remedies for acne:
1. Honey masks: Honey is used in many skin care products because it helps cleaning the skin without irritating it and it's not expensive. These remedy suggests that you apply honey directly to your face and leave it there for 15 minutes. After that you wash with warm water. You will realise immediately that your face will be cleaner and smoother
2. Boil 2 to 3 tea bags with dried basil. Let stay for 10 to 20 minutes, then apply on your face with a cotton ball, especially those spots with acne
3. Mix lime juice and water and apply every night after washing your face. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash again.

The above remedies are known to be effected at fighting acne. Except from them you have to keep in mind and some other things when dealing with acne:
• Increase your daily water intake (drink about 8 glasses of water). That way you keep your skin hydrated.
• Try to eat more fruits and vegetables.
• Include vitamins in your diet especially B5 which fights acne and E which prevents acne scarring.
• Avoid foods like soda, candy, cookies, rice etc which are known to be acne-aggravators.
• Overcoming stress is another important thing you have to do to eliminate acne break outs.

If you want to get an acne-free skin you certainly have to follow the above. Use the above along with the prescribed medication from your doctor and get rid of your acne as soon as possible. Remember that the key in every treatment is to follow it with trust for a good period of time in order to get the results you want.

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