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Where Can I Donate a Mattress?


    • Before you donate your used mattress, you need to make sure it is clean and in good repair. Organizations won't accept mattresses with visible stains, structural problems or tears.


    • In some areas, throwing away a mattress is illegal, meaning recycling and donation are your only options.

    Who Won't Take Them

    • Charities like Salvation Army and Goodwill Industries usually don't take mattresses, due to hygienic concerns.

    Who Will Take Them

    • Missions, homeless shelters, crisis centers and halfway houses need a lot of beds and are usually happy to take a mattress donation.


    • Donate your old mattress to a recycler, where the fiber, steel, metal and foam can be separated then used to make new mattresses.


    • Whether you donate to a recycler or a charity, ask if they can pick up the mattress. Most will do so for free. Also, ask for a receipt, so you can write off the donation on your taxes.

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