Health & Medical Hematopathy & blood disease

How Do Nitrates Lower Blood Pressure?


    • A nitrate is the salt of nitric acid and a plant nutrient found in soil. Nitrates are the primary nitrogen source for plants, and are a natural part of fruits, vegetables and cereals. Nitrates help plants grow, and they can help lower blood pressure because the nutrients that are found in green vegetables, like lettuce and spinach, are found to help control blood pressure. Nitrates are able to control blood pressure, because they are able to maintain blood vessels. When blood vessels are damaged, they cause problems in and around the heart. Blood vessels don't have to stay damaged, and nitrates are responsible for getting them and you healthy. The health of blood vessels is essential in keeping blood pressure under control.


    • Nitrates are a big part of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH). DASH is a kind of diet that is based on a high intake of vegetables and fruits because they can lower blood pressure. Hypertension is a condition in which blood pressure is elevated, causing heart attacks, strokes, heart failure and chronic renal failure. High blood pressure is very unhealthy, and steps need to be taken to lower anyone with hypertension immediately. Because nitrates are the primary ingredients in DASH, it has been found to reduce hypertension and keep you healthy. If you have high blood pressure, fruits and vegetables high in nitrates will help you bring it down to normal levels.


    • If you need to lower your blood pressure, nitrates can be found in numerous amounts of fruits and vegetables. There are no side effects in adding nitrates to your diet, and if you need to lower pressure it will be beneficial to your health. Nitrates are prevalent in lettuce, spinach, radishes, beets, cabbage and carrots. Eating these foods will lower your pressure and help heal your blood vessels. Nitrates are also found in other foods as well, including cheese, fish and processed meats. There are also nitrate supplements, which have been found to lower diastolic blood pressure but not systolic blood pressure. Diastolic blood pressure is your blood pressure when you are relaxed, and systolic blood pressure is the measure of blood pressure while the heart is beating.

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