Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Connect And Make Friends And How To Fit In

We all know what it is like to be alone in a room surrounded by others, to see faces and yet not know how to connect or belong.
There are so many people in this world satisfied with only knowing a few people because it is easy and stretching further is hard.
To have a base of friends is important, but sometimes knowing others and not being afraid to leads to great things.
It opens up doors and begins new paths.
To stretch a little more, to branch out further, can give you the perspective you need on your life.
Have you ever wondered about a certain person but held yourself back? Do you feel too shy to interact first? You can, often we tell ourselves what we can and cannot do and then believe it.
You can interact with anybody.
Start a conversation and then listen.
You will find people are only too happy to know someone cares to find out about them.
In return you will find a new ally, a new perspective, and maybe even a new you.
Find someone today, reach out, you can do it first.
Find out what they know.
The more you try the easier it will become.
Allow yourself to flourish and find others you are meant to know.
How To Fit In We often look at the world as something to be gotten into, to find our place and where we fit.
We search until we feel comfortable, stable and right with our place, but sometimes things change.
Our group of friends may evolve; we might move or find ourselves just looking again.
How do you fit in, find the place in this world for you? People can be guarded, cliquish, and unaccepting of others.
How do you reach into a group and find out what holds you there? If you can reach out just a little past your comfort zone to find others, this will help.
Test your strengths by believing in who you are, while finding the interactions you need.
Search out what excites you and don't hold back, others will be there.
Find a place that feels good to you, relax and look around, there are other people to meet.
Be brave and reach out.
Others are looking for the same thing- to connect, to fit in, to feel comfortable, and have friends.
It comes down to pushing your own boundaries a little, trusting it will be okay, and letting yourself meet others.
You will find other people will receive you if you are open and honest about who you are.
Try not to hide anything about yourself, but be there, be real.
Search out what interests you and you will find co-interests.
In all of these places are people waiting to find you, all looking to fit in somewhere.
Maybe you are the missing piece to their group or they to yours.
Be open and accepting in your searching, but most of all always be you.

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