Health & Medical Acne

Easy And Simple Tips For Treating Acne

Acne is a common human skin disease, found mostly in teenagers and continues to adulthood. It is caused when oil gets blocked into the skin pores. Our skin constantly sheds dead cells and producing oil. Sometimes our pores gets blocked and the oil which usually drains to the surface gets blocked into these pores causing bacteria. While for most people it gets cured early, for others it takes more time to get cured. Here are some easy tips which will help you cure your acne:

1. Avoid scrubbing. According to experts it irritates skin and should be left as it is to act as natural barriers against acne bacterias.

2. Though exposure of skin to sun is harmful it also fights against bacteria and also tightens and clogs your skin pores. Try to spend 20-30 minutes under the sun everyday.

3. Swimming can also help reduce your acne. Since the temperature of swimming pool water is below normal temperature, it will cool your whole body, including acne affected areas.

4. Avoid cold weathers as it can also clog your skin pores. So avoid places with cold temperature. Stay in places which has warm temperature.

5. Wash your clothes and towels after each use. Also wash pillow covers, undergarments and anything else that comes in contact with acne affected areas. Do not share your clothes and towels with anyone and also dont use others clothes or towels.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best way to fight against acne. It will also lead you to a healthier body and skin. Making these changes in your lifestyle may be difficult in the initial stages, but you will quickly adapt to them.

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