Cars & Vehicles Safe Driving & Driving Test Techniques

Safe Driving Tips for Any Age

    Pay Attention

    • Always pay attention to everything in front and behind the vehicle. Do not just watch for lights and signs. Watch for other drivers. Safe drivers need to pay attention to their surroundings and react as soon as they see a car from behind swerving or a car misjudging the timing and pulling out in front of another car. According to Road Trip America, the excuse "I didn't see him" is one of the biggest and most avoidable excuses for an accident. Keeping eyes moving and watching everywhere avoids accidents and can help prevent falling asleep at the wheel.

    Keep Some Distance Between Cars

    • Tailgating is not only rude to the driver of the vehicle in front, it is dangerous. Keep a distance of about one car length per 10 miles per hour of driving speed. For example, if the speed is 30 miles per hour, keep a distance of three car lengths between vehicles. This allows plenty of time to stop in case the car in front slams on its breaks, allows reaction time for other vehicles cutting across the road suddenly and generally provides a safety cushion for avoiding accidents.

    Avoid Distractions

    • Distractions like talking on the phone, putting on make-up or listening to the radio are a problem when it comes to driving. Some activities are more distracting than others, but any activity that pulls your concentration from the road can have disastrous consequences. Limiting distractions by getting ready before leaving the house, turning off the phone while driving or setting your radio to low volume can reduce risk greatly.

    Avoid Speeding

    • Not only can speeding result in a ticket, but it increases the chances of an accident happening. Different factors go into determining what speed limits to post to ensure safety: road curves, whether it's a children's play area, road construction and many others. Read the speed limit signs and stay within the allowable speed limit. Avoid driving faster.

    Wear a Seatbelt

    • Seatbelts save lives when accidents occur. Though safe driving can prevent accidents, sometimes they occur unavoidably. Wearing a seatbelt can keep you alive and minimize injuries when accidents occur. Make sure everyone in the car is wearing a seatbelt and that children are in appropriate child seats for their size, weight and age.

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