The Last Stages of Kidney Failure in Dogs
- Although a dog of any age can have some weakening of the kidneys, renal failure usually occurs in dogs 9 years of age and older. Renal failure, which is a slow-moving and progressive kidney disease, occurs from a decrease in the rate that blood is filtered through the kidneys (glumerular filtration rate, or GFR). Because the kidneys aren't able to keep the right balance of sodium, potassium, calcium phosphates and other electrolytes for controlling acid in the blood and blood pressure, renal failure occurs. Acute renal failure is reversible if treated in time, but chronic renal failure isn't curable.
- Besides heredity, the type of breed is a factor. Akitas, chow chows, Lhasa Apsos, Keeshonds and Bedlington terriers are among the breeds that are more likely to contract renal problems. Causes of renal failure include urinary blockage, decreased blood volume, low blood pressure and an inadequate blood supply to the kidneys. Renal failure may also result from not being able to make the erythropoietin hormone for stimulating red-blood-cell production in the bone marrow. As a result, a condition of abnormal urea known as azotemia occurs
- A dog with renal failure can't produce urine that's concentrated. Therefore, the two main symptoms for renal failure are excessive thirst and frequent urination. However, symptoms for renal failure aren't usually obvious until most of the kidney function is already lost, so the disease may have been active for months or years and already be in the last stages. A diagnosis is obtained by blood and urine samples. Although chronic renal failure can't be cured, symptoms can be treated to slow down the disease's progression. Veterinarians normally discover the stage of renal failure by doing blood work on your dog, besides determining how the dog is doing in regard to eating, urinating and other activities.
- As the disease worsens in stages III and IV, the kidneys aren't able to filter and expel waste products. Waste products back up into the bloodstream, resulting in weight loss, vomiting, fatigue, bad breath and anorexia. In the later stages, your dog may develop pale gums and mouth ulcers, as well have a heart murmur or irregular heartbeat. A low body temperature and anemia from loss of red blood cells being produced are other symptoms of late-stage renal failure. Because of the anemia, mucous membranes appear pale during stages III and IV.
- Chronic renal failure is generally treated by slowing the progression of kidney dysfunction. Get your dog evaluated every 2 to 3 months to check for urine, blood and serum biochemistries. Restrict the dog's phosphate and acid load by feeding a specialized diet for kidney management. Francis Kallfelz, a veterinarian with the American College of Veterinary Nutrition, contends that diet therapy is the most widely used approach for treatment. Dogs should only eat those foods containing a lower amount of particular ingredients that make it difficult for the kidneys to work.