3 Tips For Building Chicken Houses For the First Timer
Many potential chicken breeders are thinking about building chicken houses instead of purchasing them due to the large price tag on these structures.
If you never built a chicken coop, it can seem like a daunting task.
However, a good set of plans can erase any doubts about whether you can do this yourself.
Before beginning this project, here are a few tips to make building chicken houses as easy as possible.
Tip #1 - Determine Exactly What You Need If you only plan to raise 3 chickens, there is no sense in building a large chicken coop.
A small design can accommodate about 5 chickens.
You also need to make sure your chicken coop can withstand the weather conditions in your area.
If you live in a rainy area, you should plan to build an elevated structure to prevent excessive mud inside.
Tip #2 - Find a Plan and Stick to It There are plans out there for building chicken houses.
If you haven't built a coop before, you should follow an established blueprint.
Not only will they help you find the material you need, they will remind you of things you may not have thought about.
You need to account for things like proper ventilation, climate control, cleaning and maintenance, and protection from predators.
Tip #3 Find a Proper Location If you're not planning to build a movable chicken coop, you need to find an area of the yard to get the most out of your house.
Chickens need to have sunlight to be productive.
You need to position the house to ensure sufficient sunlight can shine through the windows without obstruction from big trees.
Also, if you live in a neighborhood not accustomed to building chicken houses, you might want to build it in an area least visible to your neighbors.
These were three tips for building chicken houses for the first timer.
Raising chickens can be a fun rewarding experience? It can also be a low cost experience if you decide to build your own chicken coop.
If you never built a chicken coop, it can seem like a daunting task.
However, a good set of plans can erase any doubts about whether you can do this yourself.
Before beginning this project, here are a few tips to make building chicken houses as easy as possible.
Tip #1 - Determine Exactly What You Need If you only plan to raise 3 chickens, there is no sense in building a large chicken coop.
A small design can accommodate about 5 chickens.
You also need to make sure your chicken coop can withstand the weather conditions in your area.
If you live in a rainy area, you should plan to build an elevated structure to prevent excessive mud inside.
Tip #2 - Find a Plan and Stick to It There are plans out there for building chicken houses.
If you haven't built a coop before, you should follow an established blueprint.
Not only will they help you find the material you need, they will remind you of things you may not have thought about.
You need to account for things like proper ventilation, climate control, cleaning and maintenance, and protection from predators.
Tip #3 Find a Proper Location If you're not planning to build a movable chicken coop, you need to find an area of the yard to get the most out of your house.
Chickens need to have sunlight to be productive.
You need to position the house to ensure sufficient sunlight can shine through the windows without obstruction from big trees.
Also, if you live in a neighborhood not accustomed to building chicken houses, you might want to build it in an area least visible to your neighbors.
These were three tips for building chicken houses for the first timer.
Raising chickens can be a fun rewarding experience? It can also be a low cost experience if you decide to build your own chicken coop.