Homemade Facial Pore Cleansing Strips
- Making your own pore cleansing strips is a simple procedure. Things you'll need include gelatin, milk, a small bowl, a brush and a microwave oven. The method is as simple as combining the ingredients and microwaving them for 10 seconds to warm, brushing the mixture on the affected area and waiting 10 minutes.
During this time, the gelatin dries on your face, and when pulled off in a strip, takes the dirt and other gunk that was in your pores with it. Reviews of this method are as positive as reviews for the purchased product, but this method is very inexpensive. It is important to wash your brush out immediately after using on your face because the mixture is extremely difficult to clean out of the bristles once it has dried. - It is important to clean your face before applying the cleansing strip solution to your face. This way, the cleansing mixture will more effectively adhere to your skin as it dries, and the strips will pull all the tiny bits of dirt and oil out of your pores and not only work on the surface dirt on your skin. Use any gentle cleanser to wash surface dirt and oil from your face. Dry the skin well and then apply the cleansing strip solution.
Because these strips are for deep cleaning, you may want to use them after showering, when the heat from the shower will have opened your pores. If you do not have time for a shower, you may also just place a moist hot towel over your face for a few minutes after cleaning to open the pores. After use, a toner is a good idea as well to close the pores and keep them smooth looking. - Brand name deep cleaning pore cleansing strips also contain ingredients such as tea tree oil, menthol and witch hazel. These ingredients will help to tighten pores. The tea tree oil also has antimicrobial properties that may help to kill bacteria on the skin. Using a toner with these ingredients after your pore cleansing strip may make the pore cleansing even more effective.