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Great Exercises to Burn Stomach Fat

So you want to finally start getting rid of your stomach fat? Fortunately, YOU have a unique weapon at your disposal...
Right now.
And only for right now.
Motivation! Once you're motivated to do something like burning your stomach fat, you have to see it through while you're still excited about the idea! I'll be giving you some ideas in this article on some exercises to burn stomach fat.
Unfortunately, a big myth to burning stomach fat is that you should do a lot of abdominal exercises.
Muscle development is important to losing weight, but it's not targeted.
As in, any muscle development anywhere will help you burn fat in general off your body.
Abdominal exercises might make your abs look a little bigger when finally show through, but until then, the fact that they're bigger is simply going to make it look like your stomach is bigger.
Personally, I think this is a cruel trick on our bodies...
Work to make your stomach smaller and it gets bigger.
Seriously? Anyways, I repeat, muscular development is indeed important.
Intense, shorter, full body workouts are recommended.
It's important to go for more multi-joint exercises during your routine.
They burn more calories as well as do a better job of targeting a broader span of muscles.
A great example of this is the Barbell Clean & Push Press.
More examples include things like Dumbbell Squat & Press, 1 and 2 Arm Swings, Snatches, and Renegade Dumbbell Rows.
They aren't exactly easy to explain and detail in words.
These exercises would be a lot more plausible with picture examples.

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