Pets & Animal Reptiles

How to Turn a Bookcase Into a Reptile Cage

    • 1). Remove the shelves from the bookcase and set them aside or dispose of them. You will not need the shelves.

    • 2). Spray the interior of the bookcase with polyurethane wood sealant. The sealant will keep the wood from rotting in moist environments like those needed for many tropical reptiles. Give the case 24 hours to dry.

    • 3). Cut holes about 2 to 4 inches in diameter on each side of the bookcase with the hole saw. These holes will provide ventilation for your reptile.

    • 4). Cut circles out of the chicken wire with the wire cutters. The circles should be approximately the same diameter as the ventilation holes you cut in Step 3. Glue the wire circles over the ventilation holes with the hot glue gun. These will prevent your reptile from escaping.

    • 5). Cut a square opening at the top of the bookshelf with the jig saw. The opening should be large enough so that the dome lamp, which provides heat to your reptile, fits over it.

    • 6). Cut a square of chicken wire that is approximately the same size as the square opening you cut in Step 5. Place it over the opening and nail it down with a hammer. This is where you will place the domed heat lamp. The lamp should sit over the chicken wire grating and provide heat into the cage below.

    • 7). Cut a rectangular hole in one side of the bookcase to act as a door. Make sure that the opening is large enough that it allows you to easily access all areas of the cage.

    • 8). Use the piece of wood you cut out in Step 7 as the door. Attach three hinges along one side of the piece of wood and mount the hinged door to cover the opening. The door should swing freely. Screw a door handle onto the door and some sliding locks for the finishing touch.

    • 9). Drill holes around the edges of the acrylic sheet with the power drill. There should be a hole in each corner and several along the edges. Place the sheet of acrylic over the front of the bookcase and press the marker into the holes to mark the spots on the case that you need to drill.

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      Drill holes in the bookcase where you marked them. They should match up perfectly with the holes on the acrylic sheet if done correctly.

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      Screw the acrylic onto the front of the bookcase. The basic reptile cage should now be complete.

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