How To Keep Your Boyfriend - Relationship Advice
If you are asking for relationship advice then you must be feeling unsure about how to keep your boyfriend. This can cause feelings of insecurity that may or may not be warranted. Sometimes it is possible to misread the other person and fear a pending relationship breakup when your partner might be preoccupied with the status of their job, financial matters or the economic conditions in general.
The best thing to do is to come right out and ask your boyfriend what is bothering them. However this could be a risky proposition that will bring things to a head and carry things farther than you would like. But, perhaps things have come to the point that you do have genuine grounds to be concerned, or your partner has been making it clear that they are dissatisfied and you are just waiting for the breakup to happen. If this is the case, here is some relationship advice to save your relationship.
1. You can't do it alone
If you are asking how to save your relationship, it would seem that you are the one that is most concerned about maintaining a sound relationship, but you must realize that you can't do it alone. There are two of you involved in the relationship and in order for it to be saved your partner will have to be as willing as you.
2. Communication
The best way to get at the cause of any problem is through communication without blaming or criticizing. Your boyfriend might have had his feelings hurt in some way that you are unaware of and by bringing it out into the open a simple apology could solve everything.
If you find it hard to communicate, counseling or a book could be of great help to find a solution to your relationship problems.
3. Face up to it
If the real reason that you are concerned about how to keep your boyfriend is because you have caused the problem and you know it, you should tell and show your mate that you are sincerely sorry and it won't happen again. The words 'I'm sorry' if said sincerely can wipe away any hurt feeling or resentment that your partner may be harboring. Adding 'I love you' won't hurt either.
The best thing to do is to come right out and ask your boyfriend what is bothering them. However this could be a risky proposition that will bring things to a head and carry things farther than you would like. But, perhaps things have come to the point that you do have genuine grounds to be concerned, or your partner has been making it clear that they are dissatisfied and you are just waiting for the breakup to happen. If this is the case, here is some relationship advice to save your relationship.
1. You can't do it alone
If you are asking how to save your relationship, it would seem that you are the one that is most concerned about maintaining a sound relationship, but you must realize that you can't do it alone. There are two of you involved in the relationship and in order for it to be saved your partner will have to be as willing as you.
2. Communication
The best way to get at the cause of any problem is through communication without blaming or criticizing. Your boyfriend might have had his feelings hurt in some way that you are unaware of and by bringing it out into the open a simple apology could solve everything.
If you find it hard to communicate, counseling or a book could be of great help to find a solution to your relationship problems.
3. Face up to it
If the real reason that you are concerned about how to keep your boyfriend is because you have caused the problem and you know it, you should tell and show your mate that you are sincerely sorry and it won't happen again. The words 'I'm sorry' if said sincerely can wipe away any hurt feeling or resentment that your partner may be harboring. Adding 'I love you' won't hurt either.