Health & Medical Body building

Your Brain is Stopping Your Muscle Growth - Here"s How to Fix it - Part 3

Overcoming a defeatist attitude is vital to your body building and strength training success.
You cannot get very far with a low estimation of your abilities or the belief that you can't accomplish your task.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger used to give speeches on overcoming your attitude in order to succeed.
He often points out that each stage of success is preceded by multiple failures.
    If you pushed through the pain and completed any sports events, or exercise set in the past, you should be familiar with the conversation that goes on in your head when things get difficult.
Many of us as kids went through sports coaching and heard our coaches say that "attitude can make or break your success".
  A winning attitude is more than just a slogan.
Attitude, like belief colors your decisions and your actions.
If you are lifting 300 pounds on the bench press and others are lifting 400, do you want to strive to lift 400 because others have done it or do you think that you could never do that because others are more experienced and stronger than you?   If you have ever been in a sport team with a good coach you'll likely remember the response "That's defeatist thing.
If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.
" I used to hear this all the time as a teen.
Defeatism is a con job that your mental opponent uses to get you to see things his way.
  The objective is to get you to the point of self defeat.
Religious people called this opposing force the devil.
The devil is the cause of overweight, divorces, adultery, all the vices and moral ills we don't want to associate with from a social or ethical standpoint.
  The late comedian Flip Wilson made the phrase "The devil made me do it" a popular one back in the 70's.
Today we attribute this kind of internal dialogue to low self esteem or internal conflict.
If you find that the words "I'm too" precedes negative remarks about your ability to take an action, you might be promoting a defeatist attitude.
  By highlighting your shortcomings and inadequacies, your other half is trying to feed your subconscious mind reasons to fail.
You are left with nothing to do but fail.
This will re-enforce the beliefs given to your subconscious, causing a vicious cycle.
  Defeat Defeatism You have to take the time to plan a strategy that details your positive outcome.
If you are perfecting squats in order to burn fat and build muscle, you'll want to record your sessions.
The more you know about your workouts, the better you'll get.
When self doubt creeps in, take a look at your past.
Isolate your successes and downplay your failures.
  When I first started jumping rope as a fat burning exercise, I was terrible.
At 250 pounds and able to lift huge amounts of weight, I could have said that I'm too old to jump rope or too heavy.
Since I sucked at it, I could have said that it was not right type of exercise for me because I was too strong and manly.
  What I did was set up small goals that I could accomplish.
I started with counting to 10 reps on the jump rope.
If I did 10 revolutions successfully, I marched in place.
Like weight lifting, I found that progressive increases in revolutions made it easier to improve my jump rope skills.
  If you are stalling in your workouts and feel that they are going nowhere, stop yourself from blaming your abilities or the equipment.
Go to your records and find your most recent accomplishments.
Track back to where you started and compare the two.
This is one of the primary reasons for recording your workouts, your measurements, and your body composition.
  You will need the logical proof of your development along with your emotional leverage to keep you going when things look bleak.
End of part 3

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