Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Quit Smoking Techniques - Find the Best Ways to Quit Smoking Through These Techniques

There are no magic techniques to make you stop smoking.
There is however techniques for you to do which will help you and make you well on the way to succeeding and becoming the smoke free person that you want to become.
The first thing to do after making the decision to stop is to pick a date when you are going to stop.
Write it down in your calendar and let your friends and family know.
Make all the preparations for that day.
Throw cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays out of the house as this gets all temptation out of the way immediately.
See your doctor for help and advice, see what classes are available for you to attend or ask for a one to one with a nurse who is experienced in helping people like you quit.
Your doctor will probably prescribe you with Nicorette patches or another product that is likely to help those nasty cravings.
Having a bag of boiled sweets or some chewing gum will be a big help to keep your mind off the cravings.
Start making time for regular exercise, you might find that you are turning to food when you are craving nicotine, so exercise is not only a good idea for keeping healthy but it will give you something to focus on to distract you from wanting a cigarette.
Once you have been smoke free for a couple of days you will already notice the difference in your health and breathing.
he main thing to remember is to keep at it and your determination and hard work will pay off.
You will have your bad days but don't let that make you give up trying completely.
Just try again and you will find that it does get easier the longer you go without.

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