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3 Easy Ways to Boost your Energy

Feeling tired is one of the unfortunate drawbacks of working out intensely. Even moderate exercise can cause you to notice yourself becoming more fatigued as the day unfolds. Halting your workouts is not the answer to combating fatigue. In fact, your body may trying to alert to you make some small changes that will help maximize your workouts and your energy levels throughout the day. While eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, veggies, protein and carbs is the obvious way to fight fatigue, there are others that will help you beat being tired and boost your energy.

Get enough sleep!

What do babies and pre-schoolers have in common that most adults don't? Sleep. The easy breakdown to figuring out if you get enough sleep is this: 1 sleeping hour for every 2 waking hours you have per day. Naturally, if you are awake for 16 hours, then 8 hours is the figure you need to average per night to feel well rested.

Don't worry if your sleeping patterns don't mimic your family members or friends. If you need a mid-day nap to achieve your 8 hours, then take one. If you sleep for 4 hours, wake for 15-30 minutes during the night and then go back to sleep for the remaining 4 hours, that's still 8 hours of sleep. No two people's sleeping pattern will match. What matters more is that you get enough sleep for your body in a way that makes sense for your schedule. And when all else fails? Go to sleep a bit earlier than usual to ensure you get a great night's sleep.

Water world

The standard 8 glasses of water per day isn't the best way to figure out how much water you should consume. Why? It's not the best way because what one person may consider a glass may not be what another person considers a glass. Cups come in many sizes and shapes, and they are not all created equally.

Instead, calculate how much water you need based upon your weight. Simply divide your weight in half and that number is how many ounces of water you need per day. If a woman weighs 150 pounds, then she needs 75 ounces of water a day. Don't get too caught up on the numbers game, though. Focus more on keeping a refillable water bottle with you so you can achieve your goal sip by sip, instead of downing cups of water all day.

The caffeine craze

Go, go, go. That's what caffeine does to your body. Caffeine gives your body a quick, but artificial jolt of energy that later comes back to haunt you. It's called the dreaded "caffeine crash." A better alternative to boosting your energy is to make the switch to green tea or other forms of herbal tea. Tea is a great pick-me-up without all of the side effects of caffeine. Plus, you're less likely to load up tea with fillers such as half and half and syrup to make it taste good. Less caffeine and less calories equal a win-win for your energy levels and your waistline.

These tips are key to helping you combat fatigue. The women of Bootique Fitness outdoor boot camp can attest to the changes they have seen in their energy levels by following these simple tips. It's time you have this a try. Good luck!

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