Family & Relationships Conflict

The Rules of Engagement - Always Fight Fair and With Love!

All love is precious and should be held in high regard so if you find in your relationship some things are getting in the way of that love you need to put it into perspective.
We all dream of falling in love with out perfect person or soul mate and fantasize about how wonderful it will be.
Sometimes I think love is too perfect for this imperfect world we live in as we let so much get in the way of it.
We can be in a relationship with our dream come true partner and still find ourselves in the middle of a break up because we could not agree on something like what color to paint our bedroom into.
Try not to sweat the small stuff in a relationship just laugh it off.
Save your big arguments for things that really count but learn how to fight fair.
There are rules that should be adhered to if you do not want love to die.
When arguing do not attack your partner on a personal level as it may cause irreversible hurt.
We are all entitled to our beliefs and differences so remember you love this person when you are debating.
Always keep it respectful.
You hear a couple fighting and he starts telling her she is too fat so he can win and then she tells him he is hopeless in bed.
It is kind of hard to come back to any sense of love and respect when you fire off personal shots like this Listen to what your partner has to say.
Give them a chance to say what they want without interruption.
There is nothing worse than someone butting in on your trail of thought when you are trying to get what you think is an important point across.
This is a form of one upmanship and drives a stake through the heart of love.
At some point you are going to have to agree to disagree or compromise especially if it is of concern to a decision that has to be made.
Walk Away And Love Another Day.
If it gets heated walk away.
Leave the room and return when things are calmer.
Often one partner may be a bit hot headed so you may have to lead the way on this by stopping things from getting out of hand.
Never go to bed on an argument.
Make up afterwards it is important to not let things fester.
Always remember the love you have for each other and see differences as a challenge not a win or lose situation.
If you can learn these simple rules for respectful arguing you will probably have a long and enduring relationship instead of a lot of sudden break ups.

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