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How To Become An Alpha Communicator For Relentless Seduction Of Gorgeous Women

One of the hallmarks of an alpha male is not brawn or size or even piles of cash.
Sure, maybe in the movies the alpha male is always the type of guy who kills everybody in sight, or has the best tools, or is the richest guy around.
When you stop and think about, the very concept of an "alpha male" for most guys comes from characters in movies.
But when you realize that movies are written by writers who are likely NOT "alpha males," it makes you kind of wonder how accurate those movie portrayal are.
What about science? How about the guys that are REAL alpha males, according to anthropologists? Can they give us a better clue? Scientists that study this kind of thing have noticed a stunning revelation about tribal leaders since the dawn of the agricultural revolution.
Those that were in charge, (whom also got most of the girls) were incredibly eloquent speakers.
Contrary to Hollywood movies, where the alpha male (or the alpha male as imagined by the beta script writers) is usually a man of few words, built like a truck and easily destroys everything in his path with his bare hands.
But in reality, the truth sign of alpha-ness is your ability to interact socially with EVERYBODY, on equal ground.
Meaning you aren't a snob, and only talk to those who you think can help you.
You are friendly, kind and outgoing to EVERYBODY who crosses your path.
Putting out vibes of massive attraction, so all the girls in the joint will secretly wish they are the ones you'll choose.
Not only that, but when a TRUE alpha interacts with others, his language and communication style is flexible, friendly, and emotionally rich.
Filled with stories, a wide variety of emotions and energy, and fascinating to listen to, as well as keenly interested in the person you're talking to.
One thing that can help is understanding a set of language patterns designed for therapy, and then later adapted for sales.
These were originally designed to overcome objections, first in therapy and then in sales, but they are extremely valuable in seduction.
You can take any idea, twist it around like a pretzel.
You'll be able to create the conversational flexibility that will keep her transfixed to whatever you're talking about.
Not only that, but you'll be able to take HER ideas, and show her things about them that she's never even considered before.
Making YOU stand out like a beacon of deep and irresistible attraction in a place filled with beta chumps.

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