Vastu Tips For Offices - Vastu Expert Tips
Office is a basic need for every business which is the storehouse for acquiring good wealth, peace and success.It is Often observed that people newly ventured into business making huge investment in office, are churning money and attained fame in less time. On the contrary some people couldn't do so even in long time after getting into business. Such is the affect of Vastu Dosh in a business place or office which is important to construct orderly and compliment to ancient norms of Vastu.
Youshould choose a rectangular or square plot for your office.
Makesure that the height of the Office / Shop is equal in all sides. ( Height can be Low in the North Eastor High in the South West / South or West Side).
If you Need to make a Storage Space ata Height then use the South and South West Direction.
Drinking Water / Water Dispenser foryour office is Best if Located in the northeast/ North or eastern zone.
Put abright light on the main entrance and reception. Your reception area should notlook dull, so must have enough light there.
Set awater fountain in the Northeast of the office premises.
Youshould have temple in the Northeast corner and should keep it clean.
Thereception and the waiting room must be designed in the northeast. However, makesure that the northeast corner is left for a temple.
Apendulum wall clock in the north or East Wall is Extremely Good for Growth helps better concentration.
Theseating arrangement of senior executives, including Chairman, general manager anddirectors, should be done in southern, western and southwestern portions of theoffice.
Northernand eastern zones would be appropriate for seating the middle level officers.Reserve the northwest portion for the field marketing staff.
Makesure that you do not keep any obstacles in the opening of any door of youroffice.
The employees of your office should notsit under A beam. In case the beam cannot be avoided, cover it with a false ceiling.
Itis advisable to have a rectangular desk for the owner of the company.
Black & Blue Colors should beavoided for the office . Best Colors are Brown and other Light Colors.
Doorsand windows of the office should be positioned in the north and east direction.
Having a Mirror near the Door of theoffice Boosts growth and Prosperity and Doubles up Business.
BestLocation for the Toilets is the North West Direction of the Office ,
Office is a basic need for every business which is the storehouse for acquiring good wealth, peace and success.It is Often observed that people newly ventured into business making huge investment in office, are churning money and attained fame in less time. On the contrary some people couldn't do so even in long time after getting into business. Such is the affect of Vastu Dosh in a business place or office which is important to construct orderly and compliment to ancient norms of Vastu.
Youshould choose a rectangular or square plot for your office.
Makesure that the height of the Office / Shop is equal in all sides. ( Height can be Low in the North Eastor High in the South West / South or West Side).
If you Need to make a Storage Space ata Height then use the South and South West Direction.
Drinking Water / Water Dispenser foryour office is Best if Located in the northeast/ North or eastern zone.
Put abright light on the main entrance and reception. Your reception area should notlook dull, so must have enough light there.
Set awater fountain in the Northeast of the office premises.
Youshould have temple in the Northeast corner and should keep it clean.
Thereception and the waiting room must be designed in the northeast. However, makesure that the northeast corner is left for a temple.
Apendulum wall clock in the north or East Wall is Extremely Good for Growth helps better concentration.
Theseating arrangement of senior executives, including Chairman, general manager anddirectors, should be done in southern, western and southwestern portions of theoffice.
Northernand eastern zones would be appropriate for seating the middle level officers.Reserve the northwest portion for the field marketing staff.
Makesure that you do not keep any obstacles in the opening of any door of youroffice.
The employees of your office should notsit under A beam. In case the beam cannot be avoided, cover it with a false ceiling.
Itis advisable to have a rectangular desk for the owner of the company.
Black & Blue Colors should beavoided for the office . Best Colors are Brown and other Light Colors.
Doorsand windows of the office should be positioned in the north and east direction.
Having a Mirror near the Door of theoffice Boosts growth and Prosperity and Doubles up Business.
BestLocation for the Toilets is the North West Direction of the Office ,