Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

How to Get Rid of a Cold Sore?

Cold sore is caused by herpes simplex virus and is highly contagious.
Herpes simplex virus can be spread if a person touches the sore and then touches an area of the skin.
Some individuals are more susceptible to the virus, and may have repeated breakouts.
Cold sore is not only painful but embarrassing.
If you are one of the sufferers who develop a cold sore each and every year, I assume you already know that it can be a most unpleasant experience.
You might interest to know about how to get rid of a cold sore.
What can be done when a cold sore appears to reduce the pain and discomfort causes by it? One popular treatment is simply the application of ice on the affected area and some people claim it has prevented the blister from developing fully.
Ice will give you pain relief and help prevent the sore worsening.
Tea bags: Another effective remedy is to apply a tea bag on the affected area.
The tannic acid in the tea will fight against the virus.
Another method is to apply a warm tea bag on the cold sore.
Doing this for five days will usually stop the sores.
Stress can weaken your immune system and allow the dormant virus to resurface.
Take your life a little easier! Be sure to get enough of sleep.
This applies almost anytime you are sick, as the body needs to be rested to take care of the problem properly.
Over the counter remedy.
It is recommended to have a chat with the professional pharmacist who will be able to advise you on the range of products they have.
If you have a weak immune system, it may take longer time to get rid of a cold sore.
All of these treatment has worked.
There is also other way of treating cold sores.

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