Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Answers About Dust Mites - 10 Answers About the All Too Common Dust Mite

Dust mites are one of the biggest indoor air pollutants, and thus one of the most frequent causes of allergies.
These little critters are a tough adversary to manage.
And in this case knowledge really is power if you're going to win the war against mites.
Here are answers that will help you triumph over the allergies these bugs can cause.
Do they bite?
No they do not bite.
But their presence, and more specifically the protein in their fecal matter, can cause allergy symptoms such as congestion, headache, sneezing, puffy and watery eyes, and sneezing.
It can also cause patches of dry, scaly and itchy patches called eczema to appear on various parts of the body.
Can you see them?
Anything you can see is probably not a mite.
Mites are approximately ¼ of a millimeter in size.
They usually need magnification in order to be seen.
Where can I find them?
Your mattresses, bed linens, and pillows make ideal places for them to hide.
They thrive in warm, moist, and dark places making your bed one of the most common places that they can be found.
Carpet, rugs, upholstered furniture and window coverings in the bedroom also make great hiding places for them.
What kind of reaction do they cause?
Reactions vary from one person to the next.
However, studies have shown that most people's symptoms intensify with continued and prolonged exposure to the fecal material.
What do they eat?
They feed on dead skin cells, or dander, that is continuously being shed to make way for newer healthier skin.
They are not picky about whose dander it is.
So if your pet sleeps in the bedroom or on the bed, their dander is also helping to feed the mites that have taken up residence in your bedroom.
How big are they?
In a word, they are tiny.
Invisible to the human eye without magnification, they are generally about ¼ of a millimeter.
How do they look?
They are a translucent, off-white in color, and are round in shape.
They have 8 legs and are member of the same family as spiders.
What are the risks for children?
Studies continue to indicate that children who are regularly exposed to the fecal material that dust mites leave in their wake are placed at a higher risk for developing asthma and allergies.
How can I tell if I have dust mites
? There are dust mite detection kits now on the market.
An online search can yield websites and brick and mortar stores that offer them.
What's the best way to get rid of them?
Unfortunately, nothing will get rid of them completely.
The good news is that you can significantly reduce their numbers so that they are less of a health problem.
Washing linens weekly in water that is 140 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter will kill them.
Sunlight also kills them, so letting your bed air out each day before you make it will also help.
Furnishing your bedroom with flooring such as wood or tile will reduce the number of places that they can breed.
And continually filtering the air with a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) air purifier will effectively minimize the dust mite population so you can get on with your life.

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