Pets & Animal Horses

3 Summer Horse Care Tips

The fact is that the weather is getting warmer and before you saddle up, you should take care of a few simple chores.
In this article I would like to share with you three simple horse care tips.
I have been riding horses for about two years now and over the past twenty four months I have written dozens of articles about horse care that got published in popular equestrian magazines and websites.
Now, today, instead of spending a lot of time on giving you complex horse care advice, I want to share with you my top three simple summer horse care tips.
First of all, you should invest in a high quality product that will act as fly repellent.
The fact is that once the weather gets warmer, flies, mosquitoes, ticks and other aggressive insects become very active.
Their bites can cause lumps and bumps to appear all over your horse's body and to prevent this from happening you should start supplementing your horse's diet with a high quality product such as liquid garlic supplement.
The fact is that there are quite a lot of different types of garlic supplements, but I highly recommend you to invest in a high quality liquid garlic supplement.
Why? Liquid garlic supplements are absorbed more easily which means that you will start seeing results much quicker than you would if you would decide to stick to garlic granules.
How do garlic supplements work? Once you will start supplementing your horse's diet with a garlic supplement, your horse's body will start releasing odour which will act as a repellent.
Flies, mosquitoes, ticks and all of the other annoying insects just hate the smell of garlic.
In addition to getting a high quality fly repellent, you should also make sure that your horse gets more time to munch lush, fresh, green grass in his pasture.
The fact is that grazing conditions are not perfect all year round and it's really hard for horses to get back in shape after winter and spring, so it is is smart to provide your horse with an access to fresh green grass, but be careful! Grass in the summer is packed with high amounts of sugar, which can cause a wide range of problems.
In addition to supplementing your horse's diet with a high quality liquid garlic supplement and in addition to making sure that your horse gets access to fresh green grass, you should also invest in a high quality feed balancer.
Feed balancers are just like multi-vitamin supplements for humans.
They are packed with all of the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that your horse needs to be healthy and strong.
If you want to make sure that your horse looks and feels great throughout summer, you should definitely think about investing some money into a high quality feed balancer.

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