Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Use Contact to Get Your Ex Back - 3 Incredible Tips That Require No Self Control!

Are You Bad at Playing Hard to Get? Don't feel bad.
In fact, I was in a relationship where I felt I couldn't live without my ex.
It was impossible for me to not talk to her.
We are not the only ones.
In Fact, most people try to contact their ex the day after they break up! But we know that this usually pushes them further away.
The only problem is it requires huge self control and discipline to play hard to get.
Fortunately, I have a secret for you.
We can still get our ex back even if we don't break contact.
Let me ask you this: How many times have you heard about using no contact to get your ex back? Probably a lot! And that's because it does work.
But like we covered before it is almost impossible for people like us to implement the techniques.
So here is the trick: Passive Agreement There are many ways to implement passive agreement but for now I will just show you three of them.
Agreeing with the break up.
Thanking them for all they have done for you (even if they did nothing.
) 3.
Letting them know about your future plans (but don't try to make them jealous or over do it.
) BE AWARE: Focus on these techniques if you are going to keep contact with your ex.
Otherwise you might make some critical mistakes.
Passive Agreement really is good news for us people that don't know how to control ourselves when it comes to our ex.

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