Business & Finance Business Information

Implementation of Six Sigma

An important innovation of Six Sigma culture is the implementation of Six Sigma quality management functions.
This implementation has led to the professionalization of quality.
Before, Six Sigma quality management was practiced on the production floor by statisticians seeking to document production ups and downs.
These quality people rightfully discerned that by repeating the process that turns out good work and service leads to better business results and happy customers.
Implementation of Six Sigma language means talking in martial arts terminology to define the hierarchy of the Six Sigma culture.
Implementing Six Sigma means identifying several key roles including; executive leadership which consists of CEO and top senior officials, who are responsible for the vision behind Six Sigma implementation; •Champions-who are responsible for implementation across the organization and mentor black Belts.
•Master black Belts- as selected by Champions and are the in-house pros who actually conduct Six Sigma implementation.
•Black Belts-carry out the orders given them by Master black Belts to apply Six Sigma methodology to specific process projects.
•Green Belts-are floor leads and members of the team who are responsible for Six Sigma implementation and culture shift from old to new.
•Yellow Belts are the hands on application operator, trained to handle the production basics using Six Sigma management tools.
These workers are the ones who actually do the work.
The term Six Sigma was developed from the thought that if one has Six standard deviations between the process mean and nearest spec limit, as visualized on a graph, then practically no product or service will fail to meet specifications.
In other words, all work turned out will be according to spec and therefore acceptable to the customer's requirements for satisfaction.
In Six Sigma implementation the methodology prescribes no more than 3.
4 defects per 1000 pieces.
This constitutes a near perfect run of production.
Six Sigma maintains that speed is attained by removing the problematic speed bumps that are inherent in all production, boosting quality and delivery time as well as customer satisfaction.
It is important to understand that Six Sigma projects should be viewed in the long term with the understanding that results are better short term with a drop off the longer the project runs.

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