Dating Advice for Christians
- The Bible states very clearly that Christians are not to marry outside of their faith: 2Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship does righteousness have with lawlessness? And what partnership does light have with darkness?" Be very cautious about even dating a non-Christian, it is too easy to "fall in love" and the next thing you know you are married to someone who has no interest in sharing your faith and, in fact, does everything possible to get you to give up church and turn away from God.
- Galatians 5:22, "The fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith" and Matthew 7:20, "Therefore by their fruits you shall know them." If you begin dating someone who says they are a Christian, yet they have no interest in spiritual things of the Lord, then you would be wise to reconsider dating that person. There are also carnal Christians, whose attitudes, interests and words are anything but fruitful.
- Proverbs 4:23, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Everywhere today men and women are bombarded with the idea that if they are not dating then there must be something wrong with them. The wise Christian man or woman should be careful about falling for that lie. Dating is an avenue of getting to know someone and eventually falling in love. Falling in love with someone who doesn't share your beliefs is a sure way of opening yourself up to heartbreak.
- 1Peter 1:15-16, "But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." "Conversation" here actually means "behavior." Dating someone who doesn't share your desire for holiness and purity can lead to tears and regrets. Too often what starts out as a little kissing can easily lead to a compromising of beliefs and standards.