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Polar Bears - Fast and Fun Facts

Polar bears have a number of interesting adaptive and behavioral characteristics that help them survive out on the frozen tundra.
While adaptations such as white fur and shorted limbs may be well known to most us, let's take a look at some of the lesser known traits of the life of these bears.
Hunting One of the most interesting behavioral adaptations is related to hunting.
When the mother polar bear hunts, the baby bears will freeze in a motion-less position so as to not frighten off any potential prey the mother bear may be hunting.
Should the baby bears move, the mother bear will discipline them with a quick slap to the head.
The baby bears usually get the message pretty quick after that.
Hibernation Only the pregnant female bears hibernate.
Though hibernating females sleep soundly, they are easily and quickly woken.
The female bear's heart rate will slow down to as little as 27 beats per minute from her normal rate of approximately 46 beats per minute.
Most bears hibernate, however polar bears are the only bears which can give birth while hibernating.
Fur Although adult bears weight up to ask much as an incredible 600 pounds ( 272 kilograms ) the newly born cubs weight in at about just 1 pound ( a little under half a kilogram ).
The cubs, when born, appear hairless however they do infact have hair it is just that their hair is very fine, giving them a bald appearance.
One of the most surprising facts about the bears is that their hair is not white at all! A polar bear's fur simply reflects light.
The hair is actually hollow, reflecting the snow in their environment, the hollow hair also traps the sun's heat to help keep the bear warm.
Their hair is also oily which allows them to quickly shake of excess water after swimming.
Paws All polar bears have padded paws with rough surfaces on their base.
The rough surface of the pads help the bears to walk on snow and ice without slipping over.
Their wide paws are also useful for swimming.
Their front paws are used to propel them through the water while the back legs and paws are used to steer.
Another use that they make of their paws is to cover their muzzle (nose) when resting so as to conserve body heat.
Their legs and paws are so strong that they can kill prey with a single blow.
Swimming Polar bears are expert swimmers.
The can swim at a average rate of 6 miles per hour.
If we compare that to American 100 meter freestyle champion Michael Phelps, he covers 100 meters in a time of 47.
51 seconds.
That equates to about 4.
7 miles per hour.
So even the world's fastest human swimmers would struggle to escape from a swimming polar bear! Not only that but they can cover a distance of 100 miles ( 161 kilometers ) in one single swim.
One of the saddest facts about these bears is that many of them starve to death.
Polar bears can live to about 25 years old however 70ï¼?of all polar bears do not live to see their third birthday.
There are a number of factors which contribute to this starting statistic include lack of their primary food source - seals, pollution and oil spills from mining and an increasing loss of habitat.
If you feel concerned about the welfare and future of the polar bear I encourage you to get in contact with your local wildlife protection agency to see how you can best contribute to saving this magnificent creature.
A world without polar bears would be a cold world indeed.

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