Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How to Kill Black Ants

    • 1). Wipe down the sink and areas of the counter that comes into contact with food particles. Pour bleach down the drain to erase food smells. Remove garbage bags filled with food leftovers (try to use bags with baking soda).

    • 2). Pour white vinegar on a sponge or kitchen towel, then wipe it over the counters, sink and drain. Ants find the scent of white vinegar repulsive. What's more, white vinegar will actually break down the scents left in the air by the food, which ants know to follow. If you have seen ants elsewhere in the house (floors, corners, etc.), repeat the process, but avoid rugs or woven materials which may be stained by the vinegar.

    • 3). Sprinkle Borax in the corners of the kitchen or any other areas where you have seen ants. Borax, which contains corn syrup, is tempting to the ants for its sugary smell and taste, but it is also poisonous to them. Because it is slow-acting, the ants will consume the Borax, return to their colony and dispense it to other ants, killing more of them.

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