Health & Medical Lose Weight

Personal Evaluations

I've been helping a lot of people out back at my gym with advice on nutrition and some suggestions for things that could help jump start their nutritional background.
I've become addicted with fitness and nutrition (I wish I could listen to myself while applying it personally) that others are inclined to ask me questions to educate themselves on the same ideas and issues they may have.
The question for you is, are you happy with where your health is right now? Just a couple questions to ask yourself as well.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your energy throughout the day? And on a scale from 1-10 ten being highest, how do you feel about your overall health? -- Don't worry, I'll wait while you figure it out...
-- What's your weakness for both? Meaning why is it keeping you from saying 9 or 10 if you answered anything below that...
Would it draw any interest to you if I said that it could take you only 24 days to jump start your healthy lifestyle? It's a lifestyle change with supplements that'll increase your energy as well as decrease your cravings.
I've got the recommendations for you to improve anything -- like increasing your energy while giving up coffee, soda, and other sugary energy drinks -- and also fitness related suggestions to help sculpt and mold your body to the physique that wishing for.
My high school baseball coach lost 19 pounds in 24 days.
Went from 239 to 220, roughly.
Now he weighs around 206, give or take, while only taking a couple supplements after he saw results.
Basically if you're interested, I can put together the best combination bundle for you at $190 and I would coach you along the way with how to take it all, when to take it, and how you should eat/drink on those 24 days.
Give me a 24 day commitment and I promise you weight loss.
Stop saying you'll "try".
That sets up failure as a result.
Just say you'll "do it" and good things will happen.
We all know there's something we really want.
But why is that we are so scared of failing that we decide to not even try at all? It's because the fear of failure is a feeling nobody else can witness besides yourself.
So let these words be the best words of wisdom you've heard at least for the day.
Quite frankly I could care less who you are, where you've came from, how you were raised, or how much money you have.
All I care about is the passion.
The willingness in getting back up to accomplish whatever it is you set your sights to be.
You want a stable relationship? You want to be in the best shape of your life? How about financial success? Quit saying to yourself that you'll "try".
Saying you'll try to do something is saying that maybe I'll get there, but I'll accept failure as a result.
Say you'll DO IT and things will happen that you wouldn't have even saw coming.
It's called good karma, and your mood/attitude rubs off on that.
Stay positive, stay active, and learn from everything that's good or bad that you could possibly use to your advantage.
It's your life, you only live once, so make the best of it and make have no regrets.

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