Cars & Vehicles Recreation Vehicle


Jayco Caravans - Custom Spray Booth Painting for RV and MotorhomesBooth

Jayco Caravans as Australia's largest campervan manufacturer entrusted the Designed, Engineering and Installation of a unique drive through system to TRUFLOW Spray Booths: for a high airflow, versatile, drive through application a system had to be designed from scratch.

The scope of the project involved a product size of over 15 meters long and 6 meters wide. This required a oversized spray booth with a total width of over 8 meters in width and length of over 18 meters: all in a drive through format.

The products to be painted would be quite varied and the booth required the option of being fully heated at a later stage. As such a unique crossflow ventilation design was created with separated exhaust filter plenums. The final outcome was very pleasing to everyone. High Air Volume, installed outside to accommodate for space, highly lite environment and provisions for future upgrades to the system.

Safety was of course a key concern and as such the TRUFLOW Spray Booth was engineered and installed with a number of safety mechanisms including alarms and interlocks. The compliant Spray Booth not only met Australian Standards ( 4114.1 &.2 ) but had additional safety mchanisms installed that are a TRUFLOW OH&S Standard. Ensuring a safe workplace.

Jayco are extemly pleased with the final product.

The Quality of finish is exactly as you would expect - Perfect

More about us - what we do?

Truflow Spray Booths as a trusted manufacturer has implemented and installed spray booths Australia wide for diverse industries. . Australian manufacturers have trusted their painting solutions to Truflow and as such projects with varying scope have built our portfolio.

Australia wide TRUFLOW Booths have been installed for a variety of industries including Automotive repair, Aviation, Industrial, Commercial Trucking and Cabinet Making.

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