What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment that originated about 2,000 years ago.
It is an ancient form of medical art with a different technique in which tiny needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points in the body to improve health and well-being.
These acupuncture points are based on the ancient Chinese traditions of "qi" and "meridians".
Qi refers to balancing the flow of energy or life force that is believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in our body.
These pathways or meridians are basically the internal system of communication between specific organs or networks of organs.
Chinese believe there are 12 major meridians in the human body and illness may occur when the energy flow along one or more meridians is blocked or out of balance.
Hence the Qi and meridians technique balances the energy flow in the body.
Surprisingly, the patient never feels any pain of the needles since the acupuncture technique is very smooth.
The needles are not inserted too deep into the skin and are usually left in place for a few minutes.
To boost the effects of the therapy the acupuncturist may twist the needles or apply heat or a weak electrical current.
The acupuncturist decides which points to treat by questioning the patient.
Basically, there are four diagnostic methods which include inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiring, and palpation.
During inspection the acupuncturist analyzes the face and the tongue particularly the tongue size, shape, tension, color and coating, and the absence or presence of teeth marks around the edge.
Auscultation and olfaction refers to listening for particular sounds like wheezing, and attending to body odor.
Inquiring relates to chills and fever; perspiration; appetite, thirst and taste; defecation and urination; pain; and sleep.
Palpation involves feeling the body for tender "ashi" points.
There are many benefits of acupuncture like pain relief, and reduction in nausea and vomiting after surgery and chemotherapy.
Traditionally in China, acupuncture is used as an anesthetic during surgery and is believed to have the power to cure diseases and relieve symptoms of illness.
The illnesses cured by acupuncture are migraines and tension headaches, sinusitis, common cold, addictions, quit smoking and trigeminal neuralgia.
Meniere's disease, tennis elbow, sciatica, arthritis, menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia, low back pain and asthma.
Medical acupuncture is when a doctor is trained and licensed in Western medicine and has got acupuncture training as a specialty practice.
SearchMe4 is local information and online busine directory that contains the contact details of the UK acupunctures.
For more information Acupuncture, visit our business directory.
It is an ancient form of medical art with a different technique in which tiny needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points in the body to improve health and well-being.
These acupuncture points are based on the ancient Chinese traditions of "qi" and "meridians".
Qi refers to balancing the flow of energy or life force that is believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in our body.
These pathways or meridians are basically the internal system of communication between specific organs or networks of organs.
Chinese believe there are 12 major meridians in the human body and illness may occur when the energy flow along one or more meridians is blocked or out of balance.
Hence the Qi and meridians technique balances the energy flow in the body.
Surprisingly, the patient never feels any pain of the needles since the acupuncture technique is very smooth.
The needles are not inserted too deep into the skin and are usually left in place for a few minutes.
To boost the effects of the therapy the acupuncturist may twist the needles or apply heat or a weak electrical current.
The acupuncturist decides which points to treat by questioning the patient.
Basically, there are four diagnostic methods which include inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiring, and palpation.
During inspection the acupuncturist analyzes the face and the tongue particularly the tongue size, shape, tension, color and coating, and the absence or presence of teeth marks around the edge.
Auscultation and olfaction refers to listening for particular sounds like wheezing, and attending to body odor.
Inquiring relates to chills and fever; perspiration; appetite, thirst and taste; defecation and urination; pain; and sleep.
Palpation involves feeling the body for tender "ashi" points.
There are many benefits of acupuncture like pain relief, and reduction in nausea and vomiting after surgery and chemotherapy.
Traditionally in China, acupuncture is used as an anesthetic during surgery and is believed to have the power to cure diseases and relieve symptoms of illness.
The illnesses cured by acupuncture are migraines and tension headaches, sinusitis, common cold, addictions, quit smoking and trigeminal neuralgia.
Meniere's disease, tennis elbow, sciatica, arthritis, menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia, low back pain and asthma.
Medical acupuncture is when a doctor is trained and licensed in Western medicine and has got acupuncture training as a specialty practice.
SearchMe4 is local information and online busine directory that contains the contact details of the UK acupunctures.
For more information Acupuncture, visit our business directory.