Business & Finance Outsourcing

Managed Services Providers And Information Security: How They Can Help Secure Your Data

Many companies are turning to IT managed services for help with keeping their data secure. If a security breach were to occur on company computers and servers, sensitive information such as personal client and employee information, trade secrets, or financial records could be compromised. This could lead to the loss of integrity of the company as well as loss of client trust.

This is where IT managed services come in handy. A managed services provider can help with making sure servers and networked computers communicate with each other and with the outside world in a safe and efficient manner. More specifically, they can aid in ensuring that your networks, servers, and computers have the latest security software, can fend off malware and viruses, and can be protected overall from information security threats.

Types of Information Security Pitfalls

Here are some of the typical risks a managed services provider can help mitigate:

Attacks from virtual threats. If you use a hypervisor machine (the virtual platform that hosts operating systems), you must make sure to keep its security measures up to date with the latest patches because it is possible for it to be attacked from within the virtual world. If that attack were to occur, all of your servers would be compromised.

The transfer of harmful data packets onto your servers with your knowledge is another viral threat that your company may face. A managed services provider can set up virtual firewalls that will create boundaries between each server and will prevent servers from communicating with non-secure servers.

Lack of network oversight and mindfulness. When hiring an IT managed services professional, a clear line of security responsibility is set so that you and your employees can focus on your own tasks at hand instead of worrying over who is responsible for the company's information security.

Virtual sprawl. It can be easy to keep creating new servers when a company has virtual servers (even when you don't work in the IT department). When more servers are created than being tracked is when a virtual sprawl can occur. This leaves the virtual server susceptible to being attacked from outside forces (hackers). If a server is deliberately created and then forgotten about, the information on it may be at greater risk of being compromised.

IT managed services will help your company create only the servers it needs. A managed services provider can also help prevent virtual servers you aren't aware of from infecting your other servers by installing and updating security patches.

How an Experienced IT Managed Services Company Can Help

An IT managed services firm can help improve and maintain your information security so that, even though a virtual server is out of sight, the security maintenance needed to keep your business up and running is not forgotten about.

A managed services provider can do the following for your company:

-Install, maintain and update security systems on each server and computer.

-So that you are aware of the type of information the servers share, they can set up server scans.

-To help ensure that each new server has a purpose, they can design server-creating protocols.

-Without the proper formatting, a security patch will not be able to protect your server against attacks. Therefore, they can correctly install security patches.

The security of your network is highly important for your company. An IT managed services company can provide the proper support and security monitoring you need in order to prevent or address any potential issues before they impact the productivity, customer relations, and bottom line of your company.

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