Health & Medical Traditional Chinese medicine

Auricular Acupuncture

Auricular Acupuncture is a special type of therapy whereby different body parts are treated with the help of acupoints on the ear.
Needles are inserted into specific points on the ear so as to stimulate the nerves.
Electro-Acupunctoscope can also be used to give relief to several chronic complaints.
The stimulation will increase blood circulation of the body part whose nerve has been stimulated.
The back side of the ear has about two hundred acupuncture points.
Each point is named after the corresponding organ that it connects to.
The names include knee, shoulders, hips, liver, heart, and many others.
The points on the outer side of the ear act as a switchboard to the brain.
During auricular acupuncture, each acupoint on the ear produces an electric pulse that travels from the ear to the specific area being treated via the brain.
An example is when the knee is hurting, then treating the knee point on the ear decreases ailments to one's knee.
The same applies to the various acupoints on the ear.
This form of therapy can be used to help people overcome addictions to drugs and alcohol.
It can be done in different sessions depending on the severity of one's condition or disease.
Needles are inserted to a depth of about three to five millimeters so as to achieve a proper twinge.
They are then left to stay for about fifteen to twenty minutes.
In the meantime the patient relaxes as the nerves are stimulated to increase the flow of blood in the body.

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