Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

How to Add an Extra $25K a Year to Your Online Consulting Business (Brand New)

Who else is looking for an easy way to increase their online business income WITHOUT having to do anything overly expensive or time consuming? Are you finding yourself a bit at wits end when it comes to getting new clients for your coaching practice? Or maybe you are just getting a bit bored with the sort of offers you already have? The truth is, as you probably already know if you're successful, the BIGGEST enemy to achievement in the coaching space is STAGNATION...
and getting stuck in a rut with the same "type" of clients that eventually your creativity runs dry.
(after all...
there are only so many times you can cover the same content, the same tips, the same "tricks" and the same techniques before your proverbial passion disappears) I want to offer you a very simple idea that COULD transforms your sense of passion hand purpose for your work, but that can ALSO earn you an extra $25K or MORE per year, with only a few simple clients.
The best part of this process? It truly IS about helping ordinary people achieve extraordinary success...
and if you do it well, you'll be the personification of the type of business coach who turns people's PASSION and purpose CROWD FUNDING into perpetual piles of profit to boot.
Here is what I want you to do: Integrate "CROWD FUNDING" consulting into your entrepreneurial coaching offers.
If you are already familiar with Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Gofundme, and the various "FirstGiving" networks that are out there, you already recognize that helping people raise funds for passion projects IS the biggest trend in the online consulting space.
And the best way to help people raise money for these projects is NOT on the major crowd funding portals...
but instead, on their own sites, social media circles and existing content communities.
For under $100, you can literally help your clients create their own Kickstarter campaigns on their own sites, using simple, and inexpensive technology that emulates the bigger players...
and avoid having to pay expensive middlemen, or the networks themselves who "shave" a profit off of each project.
In your case? YOU would be the one who would be getting paid a percentage...
and you can charge for everything from content creation, to ad copy, to creative consulting, to web development, saving your clients a ton of cash, while earning great money yourself to boot.
You can charge either a percentage of the funds raised and easily earn $25K or up per year with a few moderate sized winning campaigns...
OR, what I believe is better and more ethical, you can charge a flat fee of a few thousand dollars up to about $10K (depending on the target goal your client sets) and build content campaigns that are evergreen and ongoing.
(something you CAN'T do on the major crowd funding portals, but you CAN do when you roll your own!) Of course there is much more than I can cover here...
including launching your own NICHE fundraising portal using simple WordPress themes and free plugins that are built specifically for this work,and those of us who are excited, inspired and enthusiastic about helping our clients and communities dance in the direction of their OWN dreams...
with our help!

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