Health & Medical Lose Weight

How To Increase Metabolism for Weight Loss

Are you presently wondering why someone not getting fat and stays lean even after eating high amount of calorie food? It is very unfair when lots of people do anything to burn fat and get slim with lots of exercise and diets and still not sees any result. While some people are so lucky that eating does not affect them. Do you know why is like that? Because those fortunate people have high metabolic rate.

It is just a process of generation of energy from food and other substances. That means that when you have high metabolism rate, your body burns food fast. And when it is low, your body needs more time to digest the food. Wrong nutrition can easily bring your metabolism down and the body will take more time transforming food into energy. Although do remember that the nutrition only does not affect it. There are many other factors that can bring it up or down. Boosting metabolistic activities naturally is easy and I will tell you now how to achieve it.

Metabolic rate can go down as we age. When we reach our mid thirties, it will start going down. It is going down for about 5% in every 10 year. However not many of us have high digestiion before going into thirties. Some people are just born with high rate of it. One of the factors that affect its rate is the genes we have from our parents. Not too worry too much if your metabolic rate is not high. You can try lots of ways to increase its rate. Luckily,All of them are suppliment free and natural.

One very effective way is to eat food often and eat little portions of it. Now I'm sure you wonder how this will help you increasing your metabolic rate. The answer is not very hard to understand. Whenever you eat often, your body has enough resources all the time and it can burn all the food without worring of getting low on supply. Whenever you don't eat, the body tries to save resources, so it slows down metabolic rate.

Even so, eating often does not mean eating lots of high calorie food. You should try eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies. You need to try to avoid easy carbs and sweets.

Another popular and effective way is doing more workout. Exercise should be a part of your lifestyle. You should try doing some kind of exercise every day. Cardio workouts like running or jumping rope will increase your metabolic rate extremely fast.

An additional way of bringing metabolic rate high is to have enough sleep every day. Try to sleep at least six hours.

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