Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Do You Realize That Continued Bouts of Acid Reflux and GERD Can Lead to Surgery Or Even Cancer?

It is true, each and every time you suffer a spell of acid reflux, heartburn or GERD you are damaging vital organs critical to your digestive process.
These body parts to significant to you are your lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and esophagus.
The acid your stomach produces is so strong it can even can eat away tooth enamel, the strongest element in the human body.
The reason your stomach is not damaged by this acid; is that it has a lining of mucus that protects it.
You LES and esophagus do not possess this same shield.
Think about it for a second, what would happen to your skin if acid came in contact with it? It would at the very least develop a wound.
So, you can only imagine if you are experiencing acid reflux, heartburn or GERD everyday the destruction you are doing to your LES and esophagus.
You LES is a valve located at the top of your stomach that is supposed to open when food enters and then shut tightly not to let food, acid or other digestive juices be refluxed back up your esophagus.
Each time acid comes in contact with your LES, it is weakened and its ability to shut tightly is greatly reduced over time; leading to more and more attacks from these symptoms.
When acid reaches your esophagus ulcers and soars develop.
Over time the more the acid comes in contact with it; the ulcers and soars multiply and enlarge leading to an amplified amount of the pain intensity every time you encounter this uncomfortable situation.
Eventually this can lead to minor surgery to repair either your LES or esophagus, major surgery to remove your esophagus completely or in the worst case situation, cancer and we all fully understand it's potential.
There are all-natural treatment programs that can instruct you on how to stop acid from every reaching these body parts, thus eliminating your pain.
Once this happens, you LES and esophagus will have a chance to heal themselves since no more damage is being done to them.
I invite you to research these programs and determine if one of them might be right for you.

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