Business & Finance Outsourcing

Retailers Savings On ENERGY Costs Go Straight to the Bottom Line

The Department of Energy (DOE) reports retailers will spend nearly 20 billion dollars on energy in the United States this year. As a significant cost driver for retail businesses of all sizes, the question that comes to mind is what in a retail facility uses the most energy and how can energy use be reduced in order to lower costs and increase profitability?

The DOE reports in their Building and Technologies Program Report ([]) that lighting represents 30-40% of the retailer's total energy use. This significant power usage represents a "low hanging fruit" that, if reined in, will help you lower operational costs for your retail facility and increase the amount of profit that can be reinvested into your business.


Amstar Inc. has enabled retail customers to save 12% to 31% on their utility bills through a proven design and process theory of energy conservation focused on lighting, HVAC and water heating. By using the DOE cost analysis below, this represents the equivalent of a 3.78% increase in sales.

LEED Certification for Retail is a system that rates the energy efficiency of a new or remodel retail project by giving credits for energy performance ([]). This process of "commissioning" utilizes a team of expert field engineers, architects and other service professionals to confirm design performance and potential cost savings by testing and analyzing data.

LEED Certification may sound complicated; but with AmStar's experienced team at the helm, the opportunity for energy and cost savings is tremendous. As a business owner/operator, you already know that everywhere you can save on operational costs is a plus to your profitability. As evidence, the DOE reports that a 10% decrease in energy costs has an equivalent impact on operating income as a 1.26% increase in sales for the average retail store ([]). Moving beyond lighting, water heating can represent another 6-8% of energy used, as can the average HVAC corrections.


The light bulb is one area of interest in energy, as it represents a number of variable costs:
1) How long do they last?
2) The cost of the new bulb
3) What does it actually cost to have a maintenance service or staff replace burned out bulbs?

The popular "energy hungry" lamps are metal halide, halogen and incandescent. The challenges that come with these popular bulbs include:
* A short life span
* High cost of replacement depending on which bulb your fixtures use
* A significant amount of heat given off when burning and the accumulated BTU's they produce, which can also have an effect on your HVAC load depending on the number of bulbs used in your retail area


Another hurdle in the energy conservation battle is paying for energy when you are not using it. One of the simplest ways to address this problem, as we have found over years of working with our retail clients, is to use automated timers both inside and outside of facilities. These timers can be programmed and monitored by our teams to ensure necessary light is provided at the right location and the right time, without wasting energy resources at suboptimal times. These timers are also useful for parking lot lights and exterior fixtures so your security cameras still produce the results you are expecting, yet use minimal energy and financial resources. Our energy control strategy is proven to save between 11% and 15% of your monthly electric bill.


To illustrate the potential cost savings derived from a retail facility energy audit, below is an example the costs required to change a light bulb if you have an electrician or maintenance service perform the work order:

Call from Manager to Property Management Group
Charge to process work order $12.00

Technician who performs the work order
Trip to lighting supply house @ 30 minutes $20.00
Cost of Bulb $ 13.00
Trip to Retail Store @ 30 Minutes $ 20.00
Mileage expense @.53 x 20 miles $ 10.60
Arrive at the site, find manager and the burned
out light bulb, get ladder from the truck, set it up
and change the bulb, then remove the ladder
and put it back in the truck. Find manager and
get the work order ticket signed and go back
to the truck. (30 Minutes) $ 20.00

Technician drives back to shop

Trip back to shop @ 30 Minutes $ 20.00
Mileage expense @.53 x 20 miles $ 10.60

Subtotal $126.20
P.& O. $22.72


Avg. (3) work orders per month for this store $446.75

Avg. cost per year per store for this method $ 5360.98

Avg. 5 year cost per store by this method $ 26,804.88


Call from Manager to Property Management Group
Charge to process work order $12.00

Technician who performs the work order
Trip to lighting supply house @ 60 minutes $40.00
Cost of Bulb $ 2200.00
Trip to Retail Store @ 30 Minutes $ 20.00
Mileage expense @.53 x 20 miles $ 10.60
Arrive at the site, set up and replace bulbs.
(8 hours @ $40.00/hour) $ 320.00

Trip to recycle warehouse and dispose $ 40.00
Mileage expense @.53 x 20 miles $ 10.60

Technician drives back to shop

Trip back to shop @ 30 Minutes $ 20.00
Mileage expense @.53 x 20 miles $ 10.60

Subtotal $2683.80
P.& O. $483.08


Avg. (0) work orders per month for this store $0.00

Avg. cost per year per store for this method $ 0.00

Avg. 5 year cost per store by this method $ 3483.57 *
*(Note 10% warranty life expense est.)

Bulbs are warranted for 9.2 years based on 12 hours burn time per day

The new LED, CFL and standard florescent tube bulbs offer burn warranties up to 50,000 hours. When you calculate the life in years while burning 12 hours per day, the lifetime of these new bulbs now exceeds 11 years! The extended lifetime provides a big cost savings through reduced maintenance service calls and material expenses. This strategy alone could save your retail facility over $23,000.00 during the life of the new bulb. In fact, these types of energy audits quickly pay for themselves with AmStar's average retail customer recouping their investment in 11 to 23 months.

Energy Analysis and testing reveals inefficiencies and costly expenses that have a profound impact on your bottom line. Cutting unnecessary revenue paves the way for more efficient operations as a whole and enables companies to invest their time and money into the channels that will earn them money. Is your company using energy wisely?

Interested in learning how you can save up to 31% on your property's utility bills? Visit or contact Mary Beth Houze at 877-561-9505 today.

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