Health & Medical Acne

All About Adult Acne

It seems highly unfair that you successfully navigate the world of adolescence, only to be stricken down by acne in your adult life.
The truth of the matter is that acne is just as likely to strike adults as it is teenagers.
Adult acne is much more prevalent than many realize.
It effects up to 25% of the adult male population and as many as 50% of the adult female population.
It can flair up at anytime but it seems to be most common in adults between the ages of 20-30.
And the effects of acne in adults, which includes scarring can be just as devastating as teenagers.
In this article, we're going to have a look at this condition in detail, some of the causes and possible treatments.
Causes of adult acne: Women are much more likely to develop adult acne than men; however, the effects on men can be much more devastating.
Adult acne in women is most commonly caused by hormonal imbalances brought on by the menstrual cycle.
This condition can get moderately severe, but doesn't usually damage the skin.
In males the hormonal conditions are different.
Testosterone is the hormone in males that is linked to breakouts, and males have a much higher level of this hormone.
This is converted to DHT which is known to create lesions on the skin by stimulating the production of sebum by the oil glands.
Male adult acne is much more likely to cause scaring and permanent skin damage.
In either sex, emotional stress, lack of sleep and a poor diet can also worsen existing acne.
Alone, these three factors can cause pimples, but the underlying cause is thought to be mainly driven by the hormonal causes we just described.
Treatments of adult acne: Acne treatments can range from simple and basic to highly complex, requiring a doctors prescription.
Dermatologists recommend washing gently once or twice a day to control acne.
Washing furiously or more than twice a day can dry skin out.
This will cause the skin to react and create more oil than before.
More oil or sebum production will then lead to more breakouts.
There are also several acne products on the market which do not require a prescription and involves creams and washes to reduce sebum production, and gets rid of the bacteria that can contribute to pimples.
Some of these products include supplements to help skin repair as well.
On the other end of the spectrum are prescribed medications, either topical creams or oral, for treating acne.
These can cause a variety of side effects, some mild and some being quite serious.
See your skin specialist if you're considering trying a prescribed medication.
Acne isn't fun at any age.
For teenagers it present one more challenge to conquer on the path to adulthood.
For adults it gets in the way of their everyday life.
And as you can see, there are a variety of sources of treatment for this condition, and this includes the condition of acne in adults.

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