Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Kitten Ear Mites Home Remedies

    Home Remedies for Kitten Ear Mites

    • There are several home remedies that work well in treating ear mites. The simplest is to clean the ear with vegetable or olive oil. You can use a syringe, without the needle, or an eye dropper to get the oil deep into the ear of the kitten. After the application of the oil, rub the ear of the animal to work the material deep into the ear canal. Hold the kitten still as long as possible. Its first reaction to the treatment will be to try to shake its head, which could expel the oil from the ear before it has time to work. Use cotton balls or cotton swabs to clear the oil, and the insects it will carry, out of the kitten's ear.

      The oil treatments do not kill the mites, but simply allow for their removal from your kitten. Consistent removal of mites from your kitten, along with disinfecting the animals bedding will ultimately solve the problem.

      A mixture of 1 tbsp. of water and nine drops of yellow dock root extract will actually kill mites. Use an eye dropper to insert the fluid into the ear, repeat the treatment twice a week for three weeks.

      Symptoms of ear mite infection in kittens include shaking of the head and a persistent and vigorous scratching at the ears. A dirty look to the inside of the ear may also be noted. Ear mite infections can lead to bacterial infections of the ear which may require treatment with antibiotics.

      Pets can be re-infected from their surroundings. After treatment, clean and disinfect the animal's bedding and any other area it spends time in. Normally a bleach and hot water solution is used to wipe down hard surfaces and cloth bedding can be washed in hot water.

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