Health & Medical Yoga

How to Do a Lunge

    • 1). Stand up straight with your shoulders back and your arms by your side. Your feet should be hip width apart.

    • 2). Keeping your feet hip width apart, take a large step forwards with either leg. Bend the front knee until the thigh is parallel to the ground. Usually the front knee will need to bend to a 90-degree angle.

    • 3). Make sure that the front knee does not travel past the tip of the toes. This can put a great deal of strain on the knee joint and cause more harm than good.

    • 4). Keep the rear knee bent and the weight up on the ball of the foot. Remember that your feet should still be hip width apart to help keep you balanced.

    • 5). Keep your shoulders back and your torso upright. Keep looking ahead, rather than down towards the ground.

    • 6). Step back to your starting position.

    • 7). Repeat with the same leg 12 to 15 times or repeat with the other leg.

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