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Keyword Phrases - Why They Are Important to You As an Online Business Owner

Simply put, keyword phrases are those words or phrases that people type into the search bar on a search engine.
Now why this is important to the individual, who owns a website that makes money online is pretty easy to understand.
Keywords and keyword phrases, more often than not, become word phrases companies use in online advertising in order to sell products.
When you log on to the Internet, and you can do research for whatever it is the your website sells, undoubtedly other companies, probably bigger and more prosperous companies than yours, will show up in the "search results" ahead of yours.
Now let's think about the keyword phrases that your competition is using, they may be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases to put into ad campaigns that go on the Internet, if you know what those keywords are and you use them without spending dime? Just think about that for a moment, what that means to you if you have an online company.
Maybe you are on a shoe- string budget or even worse NO BUDGET for advertising.
Now let me go on record right now by saying.
I have never paid for any advertising for any of my websites.
Now all that may sound like no big deal.
Let me just point out a few things.
First of all a couple of my websites are actually in a market that has competition ranking in the 30+ million website category.
More often than not, I can find my websites in top 10 or 30 websites on the Internet for my keyword phrases.
This is incredibly important to you as the home base or small base website.
Keywords will save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases if you really go over the top with advertising.
It is incredibly important to get keyword phrases, which you can get off of your competitors.
Now, let's just kind of factor something in here since keyword phrases normally become ad word phrases.
You can basically use those two words in exchange for each other.
If you know that your biggest competitor spends $100,000 a day and pay per click advertising off of an ad word campaign doesn't make sense that they would only spend that money if they were making more than that per day? It is your goal to find the ad words/keywords that those competitors are using.
There are several online free tools that will give you this information, once you have this information.
It's your job to monitor and make sure and follow any trends that may involve ad words for your specific niche.
Taking these keyword phrases and ad word phrases and using them in articles or in signatures that you use on forums or blogs, can help increase your traffic.
Now let's understand something here.
You take those keyword phrases and write up an article that you are an expert in or an article about your topic or niche.
Now don't think that just because you've written one article that your product or your website is necessarily going to be at the top of the search engine pages.
You need to write several articles, and it takes a lot help this is not an instantaneous thing...
it doesn't happen just overnight.
But the more places your articles are listed and in more areas your keyword phrases within those articles are seeing the greater your chance of increasing the visibility of your website.
And as we know increase visibility = increased traffic, which equals bigger paychecks.
Explore available free ad word software.
You need to find a good ad word analyzing software.
Find one and use the results you get from it to help increase your traffic and sales.

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