Health & Medical Lose Weight

Why Don"t I Lose Weight?

For many people weight loss is a mystery.
They race from one diet to the next and seemingly get no results.
This can lead to a sense of personal failure and at the very least causes many dieters to scream "Why don't I lose weight?" There are a variety of reasons why you may find yourself saying "why don't I lose weight?" If you've seriously tried to lose weight with no success it's a good idea to check with a medical professional and rule out real medical problems.
For example, certain thyroid problems could keep you from losing weight even though you diet.
However, for most people the problem is not that serious and it's not a failure of their personal effort.
For most people the "Why don't I lose weight?" question can be answered by looking at their diets.
The inability to lose weight can usually be directly attributed to their diet.
That's because most diets fall into one of three categories, low calorie, low fat, or low carbs.
All of these emphasize low as in not much of.
So they are generally based on consuming less food than usual.
This would seem to be a logical thing to do to lose weight but yet you still find yourself saying "Why don't I lose weight?" because you know you are eating less food.
Unfortunately, your metabolism reacts quickly to the decrease in food and adjusts accordingly.
It slows down.
So now you are burning up less fat and not losing the weight you had hoped for.
Science is just now beginning to understand the role that your metabolism plays in helping you lose weight.
Briefly, metabolism is defined as the rate at which the body produces and consumes energy and calories.
In other words how quickly does the body process food, turn it into energy and then burn off that energy.
The next generation of diets should be the best at actually working to help people lose weight.
Specifically the new diets that factor in your bodies metabolism will help people who have previously had a difficult time losing weight on all the low calorie, low carbs and low fat diets.
The amount of food will always play a role in dieting.
However, to maximize an impact on your ability to lose weight a diet will have to consider your metabolism.
By managing your metabolism through diet and food you can get your body to work for you instead of against you.
Here are a couple of quick tips to get your metabolism and diet working together to help you lose weight.
Eat early.
Remember the old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
You have the rest of the day to burn the calories you consume at breakfast.
So make certain you have a good, healthy breakfast.
Your metabolism will slow down if you wait until the afternoon to eat.
Spicy foods like peppers are known to increase metabolism.
So feel free to spice up your meals.
Water is a great regulator for many of our bodies systems.
When the body does not have enough water it slows down the body's system operations.
So drink plenty of water.
Finally, you should know it's actually better to have 4-6 small meals a day.
Smaller meals at specific intervals are better for weight loss than skipping meals or fewer meals.
Eating more frequently will keep your metabolism working overtime.
Just remember, if you are one of those who have been saying "why don't I lose weight?" you should know that you are not failing your diet.
Actually, your diet has been failing you.

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