If One Day Pledge
For good If one day pledge is taken
Promises to be made for not to be broken
Happy smile for good will gesture as token
Words to seem sweet when spoken
No stray shooting in silent war zones
No verbal abuses but only mild words on the phones
Who says enemy can't be won over?
If you insist and try for lost ground to recover
what happens if you forgo one day lunch or meal?
No more forgery and an attempt to steal
No wild attacks and willful attempt to kill
will this not be considered as strongest will?
Can you lend your helping hand to an orphan?
No one will laugh at you and make a fun
Noble gesture will earn you peace in mind
What If something is parted with cash or in kind?
You may loose nothing by remaining poor
if you can help your neighbor very next door
He may come to your help in need of an hour
Why to worry then for through out the year?
Sweet words and good wishes to ailing parent
Expression of sorrow, apologetic gesture with laments
Get together with all and exchange of good wishes
Nothing is left behind as bitterness is over and finishes
Knelling down to Lord and ask for reprieve
Ask for forgiveness if any one you have deprived
Hope day may change and bring joy in abundance
You may be noticed by Him even if in audience
One day pledge may set in life new course
Rich may remain rich and poor always poor of course
God will listen to you at an appointed hour
Nothing will go against your conscience and honor
Try to work out on one day pledge
No matter how much is your age?
Its end will be fine and ever lasting
you may enjoy the fruit without fasting
If God has given you enough to last
You should be the one and very fast
God's influence is huge and not be missing
You will enjoy everything with His blessings
If you part with little it will add
Double your happiness without making you sad
It is natural to see blessings with joy
Happiness all over and nothing to annoy
One day pledge may have ever lasting effect
It will be considered as honorable and generous act
What if we have to go under little sufferings?
Nothing will be at loss if thought for offerings
Promises to be made for not to be broken
Happy smile for good will gesture as token
Words to seem sweet when spoken
No stray shooting in silent war zones
No verbal abuses but only mild words on the phones
Who says enemy can't be won over?
If you insist and try for lost ground to recover
what happens if you forgo one day lunch or meal?
No more forgery and an attempt to steal
No wild attacks and willful attempt to kill
will this not be considered as strongest will?
Can you lend your helping hand to an orphan?
No one will laugh at you and make a fun
Noble gesture will earn you peace in mind
What If something is parted with cash or in kind?
You may loose nothing by remaining poor
if you can help your neighbor very next door
He may come to your help in need of an hour
Why to worry then for through out the year?
Sweet words and good wishes to ailing parent
Expression of sorrow, apologetic gesture with laments
Get together with all and exchange of good wishes
Nothing is left behind as bitterness is over and finishes
Knelling down to Lord and ask for reprieve
Ask for forgiveness if any one you have deprived
Hope day may change and bring joy in abundance
You may be noticed by Him even if in audience
One day pledge may set in life new course
Rich may remain rich and poor always poor of course
God will listen to you at an appointed hour
Nothing will go against your conscience and honor
Try to work out on one day pledge
No matter how much is your age?
Its end will be fine and ever lasting
you may enjoy the fruit without fasting
If God has given you enough to last
You should be the one and very fast
God's influence is huge and not be missing
You will enjoy everything with His blessings
If you part with little it will add
Double your happiness without making you sad
It is natural to see blessings with joy
Happiness all over and nothing to annoy
One day pledge may have ever lasting effect
It will be considered as honorable and generous act
What if we have to go under little sufferings?
Nothing will be at loss if thought for offerings