Health & Medical Lose Weight

Lose Weight by Using Your Mind - Step by Step

Some of you might now be thinking that I've lost mine! No, (well, not totally) I firmly believe you can lose weight using your mind.
You just have to know what to do.
Do it - and then forget about it.
Let me explain.
I'll begin with the unconscious mind.
Our minds are hard-wired in a lot of areas.
One of these is to give us what we want.
Now the unconscious mind has a lot to do.
It is the domain of our emotions, maintains our instincts and habits, is the storehouse of all our memories and experiences, as well as running all our automatic biological processes based on the genetic blueprints we have.
Because the unconscious mind has so much to do, it has to be simplistic in some of its jobs.
One of its jobs is to give us what we want.
It decides what these things are by the amount of time we spend thinking about them.
If we think about weight all the time - it believes we want it and will do what's necessary to hold on to it! Stop thinking about it, stop weighing yourself, stop boring your friends and consider this.
Do your slender friends ever talk about it? The following steps are a daily routine until your unconscious gets the new habit.
Habits are formed through repetition, particularly new beliefs (that's how you got your old ones).
It takes 4 to 8 weeks depending on whether you think the old stuff or not.
The first step is knowing exactly what you want.
Be very clear on this.
Write it down in the positive as if you have it.
"I love being a size x and find it easy to maintain".
Say it every day with a smile on your face.
If you feel any twinges of emotion, make a note of the very first thought that popped into your head when that twinge occurred.
This is a point of resistance and we'll deal with it when you're feeling good again.
The next step is seeing and feeling what it will be like to have it.
Take a few minutes out each day and visualize yourself as you wish to be.
See yourself happy and enjoying being your desired size.
See yourself in a range of situations where that will feel good.
Perhaps buying new clothes or going to a social gathering with close friends.
Now attach a good feeling to the pictures.
Imagine exactly how it feels to never think about your weight and easily maintain your preferred size.
If it's not easy, do your best because this is the work that is needed.
A good tip here is to 'assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled' (in the words of Neville Goddard) each evening just before sleep.
Get into the feeling of being slender just as you are about to drop off and the chance of it sinking into your unconscious mind goes up considerably.
Next is to identify if you're getting anything out of it.
I'm going to deliver some tough love here friends.
We have a hierarchy of needs and a strategy that we set up for just about every area of our lives.
We have a shopping strategy and perceived need, a love strategy and perceived need and so on.
The needs are: Certainty (the fear of the unknown creates emotional pain) Variety (routine stifles the creativity of some people) Love and connection (we are aware of connectedness) Significance (being respected and being needed are a high priority for most) Growth (its an ever expanding universe - this can't be stopped) Giving for a higher purpose (spirituality) Are you hanging on to your weight because it keeps you noticed? "Poor x is always trying to lose weight".
Or would you not enjoy that attention if you did lose weight? Or is there a certainty about remaining obese? If you don't try, you won't fail, so you'll know exactly where you are.
No fear of the unknown, no risk of failure..
no problem.
Wrong! You want to lose weight! Explore this and be totally honest with yourself - then forget it.
Examine and change your language and beliefs.
What do you believe about your weight? Is it hard to lose weight (belief)? Have you tried just about everything? Will you always be big? Have you always been big? Does weight run in the family? WHAT IS THIS STUFF? Stop it.
This is the language you are using to reinforce beliefs you don't want and the unconscious mind sees these as instructions.
You MUST correct, negative, disempowering language, never criticize yourself and tell the story you want to hear.
This is vital work and will lead you to where you want to be.
Criticism and negative language causes emotional pain and when you are in pain you seek comfort.
FOOD! Think before you eat! Just before that enormous cake disappears down your throat think, "What is this about?" If you are having it because it will make you feel good, then it is the right thing to do.
If you are eating it for any other reason ask yourself what you will get out of it and one of the needs from earlier in the article may come up.
The other thought that comes up a lot is denial.
"I've worked hard today so I deserve it".
Or "Why can't I have what I want?" The other thought that occurs often is, 'I may as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb.
' I've started the chocolates, so may as well finish them.
It's all beliefs and we know we can change these.
The main questions are: Am I really hungry? What food will really make me feel good? This is the mind work readers.
If you want a different outcome you simply must tell a different story.
The story of how you want it to be, not how it was.
With this you must believe without doubt in your own power to make this happen.
Your evidence? Well, you've been thinking that you can't lose weight all this time and that has certainly been true for most of you.
This is an example of a good story to tell.
'I've been reading this stuff about how to lose weight using your mind and it sounds good to me.
I've achieved a lot of things in different areas of my life and know I can do most things when I just get on with it and feel good about doing it.
I really love the idea that I don't have to think about food anymore.
And I love the idea that I chose what I want to eat based on whether it will make me feel good, rather than whether I should because of some diet idea that usually makes me feel denial more than happiness.
I love the idea of being able to choose what I want because how it looks on me, rather than what it will hide and know that feeling lighter will help my health, which I truly value..
' And so on.
You are reinforcing good beliefs and moving away from disempowering ones and every day it will get easier and easier.

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