Health & Medical Lose Weight

An Underground Cardio Tactic To Lose Stomach Fat Effectively

If you are just like I was many years ago, struggling to lose stubborn stomach fat, that just seemed to be forever attached to my lower belly.
You have probably looked for every tactic under the sun to help you gain an upper hand on your bodyfat.
And for good reason...
Having belly fat stinks, its unhealthy and it downright depressing.
Knowing that, lets dive into how you can get rid of it in the next 30 days.
When you're main goal is to lose fat.
You have to declare all out war on it.
What I mean is that it shouldn't take more than 30 hard working days to get rid of most of your belly fat.
Its hard work and its sucks, but within 30 you will have a body that you thought wasn't possible.
Here is how you do it: Total body weight training and high intensity interval cardio.
The routine looks like this: Monday: Squats Deadlifts Pullups Chest Presses Tuesday: 30 min intervals 5 min warm up 30 second sprinting 1:30 jog Repeat 4 to 8 times 10min cool down jog Wednesday Pull Ups Clean & Pull Lunges Overhead Squats Friday 30 min intervals 5 min warm up 30 second sprinting 1:30 jog Repeat 4 to 8 times 10min cool down jog That's it, this simple routine has benefited many many people in losing their stubborn belly fat.
Follow this exact routine for the next 30 days straight, along with a highly nutritious eating routine and you will thank me millions with a new fat free body.

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